From Concept to Construction ™

Home Remodeling: Living Room Expansion

July 21, 2018

When it comes to space, we will do everything it takes in order to make use of it. But there are some people who love to have a huge space in their houses. And if you own a small house, you can decide between expanding your space or make it look spacious. There are a lot of home remodeling architects that can help you in expanding your space. And if you only want to do some illusion, there are also interior designers for you to call to help you with what to do. Our home is the only place where we get to relax and do whatever it is that we want. And we want to make sure that we are comfortable in our home. Here is a list of how to expand your living room: Use wood If you want to be closer to nature, wood is the best material to be used in your living room. It has this natural feeling that makes your room look and feels spacious no matter what size your living room is. Most especially if you make use of wood as your flooring. One type of wood that is commonly used in Asian houses is the Bamboo. This kind of wood is naturally long and durable. If you stash them together as a wall, floor, or even as a ceiling, it will always make your room look spacious. Glass Another way to embrace nature is to have a view of it. Adding glass windows can make your living room look spacious. It is nice to look beyond the four walls. And a hint of nature will make us feel as if we are looking at a painting. Even though it is just a crystal clean glass window from our living room. Mirrors Mirrors also have the ability to create an illusion of our small space living room. The bigger the mirror, the bigger the illusion it will give. And it will trick your mind as if you have a huge space in your small living room. Add a Patio It is ideal to add a patio if you have glass windows. This will make your living room look even more spacious because you have extended it outside your home. There are also different designs of patios for you to think about to match the way your indoor living room. Colors There are certain color combinations that will make your living room look spacious or tight. Most of the light colors have the ability to expand the look of your room. And if you want to have a few dark colors, you should choose the right combination in order for it to blend according to the way you want it to be. Rugs Rug placements and sizes also matter. There is a lot of purpose of rugs. One of it is to divide the space in a certain room, and the other is to keep the furniture in its place and so much more. Which is why choosing the kind of rug must match with the shape of the room and how you want your […]

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Creative Ideas for Basement Renovation

July 8, 2018

Never waste that space in your home by stacking a lot of useless materials. The common abandoned area in our home is the basement. We usually toss anything that is useless in the basement. Which makes it a waste of space. Why not get rid of these items by selling them or donating them? Allow the home remodeling architects transform your basement into a living space and allow it to function the way you want it to be. There are a lot of things that you can do with your basement. There are a lot of creative ideas that you can do with it so that this particular space will not be put to waste. Here are some creative ideas for your basement renovation. Man Cave Everyone deserves a space of their own, most especially men. Whenever they need time to relax after a long day at work, they should have an area of their own. Transforming your basement into a “man cave” will surely make the mood of your husband or any dude in your house enlightened. They can bring their friends over for beer or billiards. Or basically just hide from all the stressors. Girls Night Out Girls deserve a space of their own too. Transform your basement into a girly room. Where you can invite all your girlfriends and do a lot of girly things together. You can have your mini salon and makeup area. And if you are attending an event, you can invite them to your place and do the necessary preparations there. You can even have a minibar and toss a lot of pillows for a fun night out at your very own home. Hide Out A simple additional living room can be a perfect hideout. Instead of stashing all the useless things in your basement, transform your basement into a hideout. Where you can make use of it as a living room and a bar at the same time. Family/Entertainment/Game Room A family room is the best idea when it comes to making use of the space in your basement. It also serves as an entertainment area because it is where you get to install that projector and LCD screen or a huge television. Watch movies with your family and friends in the comfort of your home. You can also place all of the board games that you have. If you are a video gamer, you can install all of your console games in this room so that you can invite your friends and just hang out while playing the different kinds of games that you have. Which gives you a lot of options on what to do. Kids’ Playroom Kids tend to clutter all around your house. Most especially if they are still at the age of one to five years old. If you want to have a designated area where they can mess around, you can always have a playroom. It will be then easier for you to clean up the toys that are lying around. And you will no longer have to worry if you accidentally step on one of […]

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Home Space Expanding Benefits

June 30, 2018

Our home is the best place to relax, we get to do whatever it is that we can do to make us feel comfortable. After a long day at work, we don’t want to do anything except to sit down and relax in our own space. But what if you are living in a tight space kind of a home? Expand your walls so that you will be able to breathe properly and this is for you to move freely. This can be a fun project for you to set. Adding another space for you and your family to live in and create new memories. In order for it to go well, hiring home remodeling architects can make everything easier for you. They will help you in measuring the right measurements for the right amount of space that you need. Here are the reasons why having an additional space to your home can give you good benefits. More space to move The more space that you have, the more movements you can do. What can you do with a small space, right? It is also healthy for you as a person because you get to move around and perspire. And perspiration is good for the body as we already know. It releases the unwanted toxins from our body in order for us to be healthy. More space to exercise Having enough space for you to move means you can also do different kinds of exercises. You can do yoga, pilates, and even dance. All these activities can be done in an area where you can move freely in an open space. It is also a fun and exciting activity for you and your family to do together as well. It is also one of the many ways you can keep yourself and your family live a healthy lifestyle. Safe for kids to play around Kids are known to have high energy. They get to run as fast as they can and play as much as they want. With the benefit of a big space in our home, they will be able to move their entire body and enhance their motor skills. You will no longer have to worry about any kinds of bumps or accidents because you have an entire floor area or space for them to run around. It is also nice to have a specific area for your kids to play with their friends. Gathers the family together A spacious home can make every member of our family comfortable. Bonding in a certain area in our house can strengthen the relationship with our family. There are different things that you can do together as a family if you have enough space to move. Comfortable to live in If you want to live comfortably, having a spacious area can help you organize the things that you own. You get to have different kinds of pieces of furniture and other accessories that you want to add to your home. Another thing about the spacious space living is that it can help calm your mind down. Having a spacious home can […]

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Things to Know When Hiring An Architect For Home Addition and Remodeling

June 13, 2018

If you are planning to have a part of your home remodeled or you want to add something to your home, you will need the best home remodeling architects that you can get. If you want to get that job done, you will need the help of an expert so that everything will work flawlessly. It takes a lot of planning when it comes to building a home addition. You will need all the expert help to get the measurements right and be able to make sure that nothing goes wrong. And whenever you decide to hire an architect, there are also some things that you need to know about. Here are some tips for looking for that perfect architect who can help you build that additional space in your home. Experience A great architect has experienced different kinds of challenges. And they were able to do something with the challenges that they have encountered. Which makes them good at the work that they are doing. Nothing is better than learning from the different kinds of experiences in life. It molds us into who we are today. Which is why it is best to trust an architect who has a lot of experiences. Get an architect who is versatile as well. So that whatever you want to be constructed, they will be able to give the right design and for you to be satisfied immediately. Great portfolio Before hiring, an architect makes sure to see their portfolio of projects. Or better yet you go to the finished building or structure that they have made. Architects are artists who are great at constructing different buildings and other structures. If they are proud enough to show off their portfolio, then you are on a good path. Can fit your budget Hiring an architect is not just hiring somebody to draw something for you. They also have a lot of people who are involved. Which is why hiring an architect is also like hiring the architect and his friends. Set a certain amount of budget and find an architect that can compromise with the amount that you have in mind. A little bit of negotiation is fine so that both parties will be satisfied. Gives you great pieces of advice The best architect will never let you down. They will be giving you pieces of advice to make sure that you will be able to get the right structure that you want to have. They are expert and have enough experiences to give you an advice on what is best for you and what is to be constructed. Following their advice will guarantee you a great quality service. Highly recommended If you are unsure of who you want to hire, go for the one who is highly recommended by your family and friends. They are already famous enough because of the great quality of work that they give their clients. Also, a highly recommended architect will always do their best to make sure that their clients will be happy with what they gave them. A satisfactory design of their proposed building set-up and […]

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Home Remodeling: The Illusion of The Small Space into a Big One

June 5, 2018

If you are tired of that small space in your home, you can always remodel. Condominiums are popular because of their small space living. But if you want to have a little bit of enhancement, you can always have a condo remodeling project. Small spaces can now look big if you hire the best architect or even just by yourself if you are the kind of a person who loves to do DIY projects. It doesn’t matter if you are living alone or if you are living with your family, you can always find a way to tweak your small space and for it to look bigger. There are a lot of ideas for you to choose from in making your small space look big. Below are some of the many ways you can do to make your tiny space look spacious. Ceiling Paint To make our rooms look taller, it is best to add a little bit of paint on the ceiling. You can also add some painted designs like flowers, stars, clouds, and others. This can give an illusion to your room to look tall. If you are tired to paint, you can always make use of a wallpaper. And add a bit of art and crafts of your choice to add more design to your small space Mirrors Mirrors have the illusion to make your small space look bigger. It can sometimes fool you and make you think that it is a window. But in fact, it is just a reflection of what is already in the room. Proper arrangement of mirrors will enhance the way your space looks.  You can always pick whatever mirror you want to have and hang it appropriately to where you think it will sit best. You can also make use of small mirrors and arrange them and have a little bit of art and let its design to float within the room. Wall and Floor Colors Light colors will make the small space look cozy. It will make the room look inviting and worth living. Even if space is small, you will be sure that you can stay comfortable no matter what time it is. Pick a color scheme that you know that will make you feel comfortable. As long as the scheme will not irritate your eyesight and allow you to sit and relax after a long day in school or work. Multi-purpose Storage We know that multi-purpose items will always save space. You can make use of this in your condominium and have everything in one small space and yet you can still gain access to them easily. There are a lot of multi-purpose storages for you to have. From a bed to a table they have a lot of tricks under their sleeves. This can save up space in your tight room and allow you to do add some necessary pieces of furniture to your room to look good. High Shelves High shelves will make your ceiling look taller. Because you will be forced to look up and check whatever it is on the shelf. And from afar, the […]

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Home Addition Design Tips and Things to Do

May 21, 2018

Ever thought of extending your home? And add another part of your home to create more memories with. Sometimes we have this tendency to extend the area of our homes so that we will have more space or have more rooms. And we sometimes add or construct another house in our backyard. Home addition design can help us draft the kind of home addition that we want. There are a lot of ideas for us to choose from. And choosing the right one can be a little bit tricky, There are some things that we need to consider in building that additional home within our own home. Here are some tips and the things you need to do before constructing that additional area to your home. Know what you need Before everything else, you should know what you need. A home addition is not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of time and planning. If you feel that there is something lacking in your home, that is the time when you will be constructing or have an additional area to your home. If you can see that you need an extra guest house or guest room you can have it as a home addition project. Or if you want to extend your garage or your entertainment area, this can be a part of your home addition project. It will always depend on what kind of space that you need. Plan the design There are a lot of architects who are great with home addition construction. They can help you plan out the design that you want and can advise you on what kind of materials you will be using. Right after you decided on what you want, you can always keep in touch with an architect to help you with the design. They can also help you with the flooring design and the right measurements of the home addition that is suitable for the amount of space that you have for your additional home design. Budget Once you have predicted or have seen what kind of additional home space that you need, its time to think about the costing. Home addition project requires money. Canvas for the right materials that you will be needing that can fit within your budget. Becuase it is constructing an additional part of your home. And this will also require the necessary permits and other legal documents that will allow you to construct another building or extension to your home. Hire a professional Hiring a professional to construct the additional part of your home will make things fast and easier. You will no longer have to spend too much time stressing about the construction when you hire a professional. Just hire a professional who has a lot of experience in home addition to making sure that you will be on track. Speak to your neighbors Since construction will require time and a little bit of noise, it is best to speak to your neighbors. This is for them to be aware of what is happening. Setting a timeline of construction will help you […]

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Store Renovation Tips and Advises

May 9, 2018

From time to time different establishments renovates their own space. This is to entice customers to check out their products. The more approachable a store is, the more customers will come. If you are thinking of remodeling your store, retail store contractors are always there to help you with what you need. From the designing to the constriction, you will surely be in great hands. Retail remodel is one of the trickiest tasks that a store owner must do. The design must be accurate and be able to catch everyone’s attention. The way a store will look will always manage its way to invite customers to come it. It must have a display and a presentation that can make everyone curious and will let themselves in. Here are some tips and a few advises for you to consider if you are thinking about renovating or remodeling your retail store. Advance planning When it comes to remodeling, planning what you want is a must. This will allow you to think about the different things that you will need during the construction. It will also give you enough time to get a concept for your store. Find expert help If you are not confident with your carpentry and construction skills, you can always seek help from professionals. There are a lot of builders can help you with the construction of your store. It doesn’t matter whether it is remodeling or remaking your store. They will give you advises on what kind of material is good for a certain area. They can also give you package services to ensure that your retail store will be in good shape. As long as you will get professional help, you are in good hands. Timetable Once you have planned everything out, from the materials to the design, make a timetable. Coordinate with your contractor and let him see what he can do in a certain amount of time you gave. Plot out the things that they will finish on a certain day. This can help in organizing and prioritizing the things that you want to finish. Know what you want You are the owner of that retail store. And whatever ideas you have must be the one that you will get. But with a help of an expert advice, you will get a great quality service of the kind of set up that you want. Finalize on the structures and the way you want it to be. Instruct what you want Tell the contractor to do what you want. If they give advises, it is good for you to somewhat follow them. They have the experience, but you have the idea and the concept of what you want. Constant monitoring during the construction is a must. This will make the contractors and the builders do their job. Presentation and Marketing The presentation of a retail store will always be the reason why people get curious. If it is eye-catching, it will be easier for you to get the attention of customers. It is a simple marketing strategy. Marketing the new and improved location will always make […]

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Things You Need to Think When Remodeling Your Condo

May 1, 2018

Condominiums are different kinds of housing. It is a space that is in a building where you can live in. There are a lot of condominium owners remodel the condo that they bought. It is either the structure is not their taste, or they just want to make it as comfortable as possible.  Condo remodeling is not as difficult as remodeling an entire house. You can always hire a professional so that you can get advises from them. They can help you in designing and constructing the condominium for you. It will be quick and easy so that you will be able to enjoy your new found home. Here are some things that you need to think when remodeling your condo: Space The space that you own will always matter. It leads you to the direction of how far you can remodel your condo. If you have a small space, well you will only have to work with that. Maximize the areas where you can make use of. Place a trash bin or build a shelf on a dead corner. This is for it to have a function in your home. You will also be impressed by the end of the day if you maximize all of the dead spaces in your home. How long you will be living in it Considering the time, think about how long will you be able to enjoy that newly remodeled condo of yours. Will it be worth your time and money spending in remodeling it? We will never know how long you will be able to live in a certain space. Most especially if you are just renting. There are a lot of people who remodeled their condos but after a year, they have to move out. Think also about how much you want this space to change. It will really help you in saving time and money. The building owner’s consideration The space that you are renting is not actually yours. You are renting it from someone. And if you decide to remodel that space, think about the owner first. Ask permission or a concent if it is okay for them for you to do a little bit of tweeking for you to be comfortable living in their space. Bathroom Fixes Some parts of the bathroom cannot be moved and removed. Like the sink, toilet, and even a bathtub. Sometimes these items will just stay where they are. Just add a few ornaments or some decorative materials for the bathroom to look presentable. Like changing the color, the tiles, and the curtain. Do extra cleaning for the bathroom to look as if it is new. Lighting Some condominium lighting is not the way we wanted it to be. You can dim down the lights or have a bright room. Some condominium owners have a light controller that can control the brightness and the darkness of the light. If you want to add drama to your space, you can always have a designated area where you can place some candles. Building Up and Paint Instead of tearing down the walls and the ceiling […]

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Interior Home Remodeling: Bathroom Remodeling Advices

April 30, 2018

Looking for a house in order to make it a home is a little bit tricky. It will take time for us to decide on where it is located and how it looks like. There are a lot of people who often buy a ready-made house. And all they have to do is hire home remodeling architects. This way, they will be able to redecorate and reconstruct the way their house looks to the way they wanted it to be. It usually takes a lot of work so that it will look exactly the way they wanted it to look. Every part of your home should be cozy and must have that homey feeling. From the front door up to the attic, everything must be well constructed and well- done. One of the most important parts of our home is the bathroom. It is one of the places aside from your bedroom where you get to have your own time. You get to spend your time there before you get ready for the day. A well-constructed bathroom will make you feel comfortable whenever you are using it. This is a place where you get to pamper yourself with a warm bath, do your beauty routines and as well as abiding by the call of nature. Below are some areas of your bathroom that you can add or renovate. You can even install different kinds of bathroom accessories to fully make your bathroom experience great. Showers and Bathtubs Showers Shower area comes in different designs. There are those that have small and there are those that are spacious. When it comes to renovating your bathroom, the shower area is one of the most important parts. The design of your shower area should correspond to your preference and so with the size of your bathroom. There are a lot of things you need to consider when it comes to renovating your shower area. You have to decide which shower head you are going to use, the kind of division you want, whether it is a simple shower curtain or a glass door. Bathtubs If you are the kind of a person who likes to have long and relaxing baths, bathtubs will always be your best friend. There are a lot of bathroom ideas that show different kinds of bathtubs. There are tubs that are detachable, there are also those that are mounted on the wall. Bathtubs come in different shapes and sizes. All you have to do is to make sure that it will fit inside your bathroom and will give you enough space for the other bathroom necessities. Countertops and Flooring Both countertops and flooring matters in your bathroom. It is responsible for its striking look because of its color and built. Choosing the right color combination of both countertops and flooring will make the most of your bathroom. There are a lot of things that you need to consider. Like the shade of the color you want, the kind of tiles you will be using for the floor and the design of your countertop. There are a lot of countertops that you […]

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Home Additions Planning Tips

April 27, 2018

If you need an additional storage space or office, you don’t need to sell your house so that you can look for a bigger one. All you need to do is to make home additions. For you to ensure that that the process is flawless, you need to prepare adequately. Some of the things you need to do include: Identify the property lines This is the first thing that you should do. You need to know where your property begins and ends. All you need to do is to visit the government offices and find a map of your property. When you know your property lines, you will have an easy time coming up with a home design that won’t violate the building codes in your area. Come up with a floor plan A floor plan is a plan of how you want your property to be. You should start by imagining how you want the addition to look like once it’s complete. Although, you aren’t an expert, you should go ahead and sketch your ideas. When putting your ideas down don’t forget to scale the designs. This is to have an easy time renovating your property and adding more space to it. After putting your ideas on paper, you should now find architects builders or licensed contractors. You should discuss with the builders about the additions that you want to make to your property. Some people rush to hiring construction contractors, but this shouldn’t be you. You should first brainstorm with the architects on how to give the insides and outside of your house a perfect look. Get a renovation contract Once you have settled on the ideal design for your house, you should now get a renovation permit. You should contact the local city government offices and notify them about home addition design plans. You should request a renovation permit so that you aren’t on the wrong side of the law. Have a budget You need money to renovate your house. The amount that you spend doing it depends on a number of factors such as the costs of hiring home remodeling architects DC and the cost of raw materials. You should visit a number of home improvement stores and compare the prices of the various products you need in your work. When it comes to the contractors, you should interview a number of them and work with the most reputable one that charges a reasonable fee.

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