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Home Improvement Projects You Should Avoid While COVID-19 is Still Here

May 21, 2020

It has been a while since COVID-19 flipped our lives upside down. The world did not expect the devastating impact of the virus on mankind in general. It also created a huge impact on the global economy and overwhelmed the healthcare sector. This pandemic also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, so far. People are reminded to stay at home as much as possible. Avoid outdoor activities or going outside for long periods of time. You may also have to skip hiring a home additions builder or any other home addition companies near you due to physical distancing. Being productive at home On the other hand, being on quarantine has pushed a lot of people to be productive. To make the most of their idle time and do something worthwhile. It may not be the right time to hire home remodeling architects right now because of social distancing. But this doesn’t mean you cannot improve your home while on quarantine. For one thing, there are a lot of things you can do while at home. Bond with your family, learn new recipes or revisit your past favorite songs online. This quarantine period is also the time to accomplish home improvement projects at home. Home improvement does not have to be expensive and need not hire a home addition builder. Then again, it will be a good help to avail of affordable home additions for your home improvement projects. But in the meantime, it might be better to be productive and practical during these uncertain times. DIY home improvement projects you should NOT do When you are cooped up inside your home for a long time, you tend to notice the small things more. Some can be as simple as reorganizing your clothes cabinet. Or it can be as tedious as building a home addition in your property. However, there are some home improvement projects that you should shelf for now. You should already know why. It can also be hard to find someone now in case you need one to help you finish the job. So, what are these specific home improvement projects that you should not do while there’s still COVID-19? Noisy home improvement projects Being mostly at home means your neighbors are more likely to be in the same situation. This also means having to tolerate each other’s noise every day. Or not at all. In such cases, you should be mindful of the right timing when doing noisy chores like mowing the lawn or using the power washer. Perhaps you can do these after 5 PM or during weekends when really needed. Home improvement projects that require a team We are often advised to do physical distancing that is why we are at home right now. But what is the sense of physical distancing if you let a team of strangers come into your house? Avoid home improvement projects that would require a lot of people to go to your home. Home improvement projects that use a ladder It may be a good time to clean your gutter. However, you should avoid this in […]

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Carport vs. Garages: Which Should You Build for Your Home?

January 10, 2020

Transportation is important so we are able to get from one place to another. There are many ways to get to your destination: ride a public vehicle such as a train, taxi, or bus. Some have their own cars, while others prefer a healthier lifestyle by riding a bicycle on their way to work or elsewhere. Regardless of the type of vehicle you own, you need to park it somewhere safe and protected within your property. If you have a car, you need to protect it against all sorts of weather. At the same time, you need a spot within your home where you can easily park and keep it safe from intruders. In such cases, you need to hire a home addition builder to build a safe haven for your personal or family vehicle. Carport or garage? Aren’t they the same? Not really. On one hand, both provide security against intruders and keep your vehicle protected against outdoor elements. If you have just bought your own vehicle and need a nice spot where you can park it, you should hire a home additions builder to build a roof for your vehicle. Both carport and a garage can be located at the side of your house or in a separate area within your property. However, both differ in structure and building costs. Regardless of whether which type of “vehicle housing” you prefer, you should look for a company that offers affordable home additions. Before deciding what type of housing you build for your car, you need to consider several factors first. This includes your allotted budget, property size, materials and design to be used, and whether you want it connected to your house or built in a separate location nearby. Carport: Pros and Cons Your first option is building a carport. For starters, a carport refers to a covered area that features a couple of posts that support a roof that serves as a shield against outdoor elements. Carports are often open on one or both sides. This means carports can be built on one side of the house or located in a separate area within your property. For one thing, a carport is easier, faster, and cheaper to build. Home addition companies will only need a few materials such as roof panels (preferably polycarbonate or aluminum), posts that will serve as a support to the roof system, and building tools to create a carport. Unlike garages, carports are faster to build depending on their design. In fact, a carport can be done as early as within the day. It may also take a few days or weeks to build a carport depending on your preferred roofing, walls on the sides, and concrete floors. There may also be fewer building restrictions since the usual carports are mostly open-spaced. That said, it can be easier to come and go as you please since it has no doors to open the parking spot. Unfortunately, this same reason makes it somewhat unreliable in terms of protection against outdoor elements and even stray animals. Garages: Pros and Cons Meanwhile, a garage is also a […]

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Home Additions: Ways To Add Space To Your Home

April 6, 2019

If you don’t like the current size of your house, did you know that there are many ways in which you can add space to it? Here are some of these ways as given by home additions contractors: Add an outward space This applies when you have a large compound where you can add the extra space. The cool thing with adding space this way is that you create an entirely new space that is unhindered by existing structures. Also, unlike in other projects that require you to vacate your house to pave way for the contractor, you don’t need to do it when handling this project. This saves you a lot of money that you would have spent in a hotel. While the project is great, its main flaw is that it’s usually expensive. The project is also cumbersome and you can’t comfortably handle it by yourself—you have to hire a contractor to help you out. Add space upwards If your property is small, adding more space upwards makes the most sense. Depending on the foundation, most homes will allow you to add more space on top of the house. The cool thing with adding space using this method is that you can add as many floors as you want upwards—you only need to ensure that the foundation and the materials that you use allow it. If you are looking to sell the house later on, this option is usually great as it has been shown to greatly increase the value of the house. Just like when adding space outwards, this option is usually expensive; therefore, you should always be ready to part with a substantial amount of money. You also have to vacate the house to give room for the home additions contractors to do their work. Converting the basement If you don’t want to go through the trouble of adding an entirely new room, you can use space that is already there. One of the ways of using the space is by converting the basement. The cool thing about converting the basement is that it’s usually better built. The only challenge with this space is the moisture; however, you can work with your remodeling contractor and fix it. Conclusion These are some of the ways in which you can add space to your home. For you to have an easy time doing it, work with a reputable home addition design DC company.

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