From Concept to Construction ™

How to Sequence a Home Renovation

July 15, 2024

You might be unsure of where to begin if you’re planning a large-scale home renovation that will take place across several rooms and projects. You might wonder whether it is better to start in public spaces like the living room or kitchen to clear the path. Or you should focus on out-of-sight places so the communal spaces remain useable for longer. If you are in this dilemma, here is a guide given by home addition contractors on how to sequence your home renovation. Before starting the project, you must decide who will handle it. Will you conduct the remodeling yourself, or do you want to hire an expert to do it for you? You should make a detailed plan that includes a timeline, budget, and a list of all the rooms you intend to renovate before starting any renovation. If you are having an issue with any part of the project, consult a professional to help you out: Start with the highest-priority rooms You should start with the renovations in your first-priority room and move on to the cosmetic adjustments once the repairs are finished. To most people, this is the kitchen. This way, if you run out of money or energy, at least you got the most important area done. This makes deciding where to start very personal, but ultimately, this will be the most fulfilling approach for you. Renovations to the kitchen might be more involved and take longer than those to other rooms in the house. If you’re living in your home while renovating, starting with the kitchen can help you rapidly return to a sense of normalcy in the space. Move to the next most intense room. If you begin with the kitchen, this is probably where the bathroom will go. The hardest renovation jobs in your house will be in the kitchen and bathroom since these spaces require extensive mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work that frequently needs to be done concurrently. After the kitchen, consider renovating your bathrooms. Renovate your bathrooms one at a time. This ensures that you can always have a shower and toilet if your house. You should prioritize your kitchen and bathroom while remodeling your house because these areas are known to be costly to update. They also need a lot of work, and it’s always wise to finish the more difficult tasks first. The kitchen and bathrooms are high-value rooms, so if you finish these, you will probably have added value to your house. Proceed to the living room. Once you are done with the bathroom and kitchen, proceed to the living room. You should renovate your primary living or family room to create a comfortable space for relaxation and entertainment. This room can serve as a temporary gathering place while other renovations are ongoing. Turn your attention to the bedroom. You can turn your attention to the bedroom once you have updated your living areas, kitchen, and bathrooms. This is because the bedroom allows you to keep normalcy throughout the process, which is essential to reducing stress during a renovation. As you can tell, having your bedroom available will […]

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Planning to Build an Outdoor Deck? Here’s What You Need to Know

October 22, 2020

Being inside the house all the time can be boring eventually. At some point, we would miss the beauty of the outdoors. But because of the pandemic, there are certain travel restrictions in most countries. It can be frustrating not to go to different places anytime we want to, unlike before. But this doesn’t mean we have to be cooped up inside our rooms until the pandemic goes away for good. There are ways that we can still enjoy the beautiful outdoors without stepping out of your residential property. One way is by building an outdoor deck in your home. Building an outdoor deck area can be one of the best decisions you could make. So if you are planning to build one soon, make sure to hire the best home addition companies out there. Why you should have an outdoor deck A lot of people often consider renovating their bedrooms or expanding their bathroom or kitchen areas. However, it is also a good idea to hire a professional home additions builder to build your outdoor deck. Also, you need to determine whether you want a deck and not a patio (which are two different things). There are several reasons why you should consider building an outdoor deck. It can add value to your home especially if you are planning to put it in the real estate market. Not to mention adding aesthetic appeal to your current home. It is up to you to think about the home addition design you want and has it given to live by professional architects builders. You can use your outdoor deck for several purposes. This is where you can relax in the mornings or late afternoons and enjoy the outdoors. It can also serve as a receiving or hangout area for your guests and host barbecue parties. You can also use the deck area to grow and tend to your plants. It will also be a good resting spot if you have a pool or spa in your backyard. That said, deck areas are both aesthetic and functional. You can add potted plants, bring out some furniture, and even hang hanging lights. You can also design the deck area any way you want depending on how you want it to look. What to consider before building an outdoor deck There are also several things you need to consider before building a deck in your home. For one, you need to hire a home remodeling addition professional to make your dream deck come to life. Here are other things you should consider as well. Budget Well, of course, you need to have a budget to build an outdoor deck. When coming up with a deck building project, you should factor in the following: Deck design and size Features (ex. seating, railings, powerboxes, etc.) Material costs (ex. lumber, metal or steel, bricks, etc.) Labor cost (if you are going to hire a home addition builder) Location The size of your deck area will depend on the location you have. You would also want your deck to be steps away from your house. More importantly, it […]

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What to Consider Before Insulating Your Home

September 19, 2020

A review from the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA revealed that homeowners can save as much as 20 percent on heating and cooling expenses at home through proper sealing and insulation. Home insulation is important especially if you are living in areas that have the four seasons of the year. Proper insulation is also a great way to lessen energy expenses. Home improvement can drain your budget depending on the extent of the said home project. You can avail affordable home additions or find a home additions builder who can offer an affordable home addition design. One of the most important parts of building a house is installing a proper insulation system. Here are things that you should know first before insulating your home. All about insulation For starters, insulation is a type of material used to reduce the heat or cold getting into a house or building. There are different uses for insulation such as thermal, soundproofing, and electrical insulations. When it comes to homes, it is the thermal insulation that is often used. Among popular insulation materials include fiberglass and cellulose. These can be used both for thermal and soundproofing insulation. Insulation is a big help especially during the winter months by keeping your house warm and lessens the household’s dependency on heaters. This means proper insulation systems can also improve your house’s energy efficiency and lower your utility bills. As mentioned, there are different types of insulation aside from fiberglass and cellulose. These include others such as radiant barrier insulations (usually installed under the roof or the attic), rigid foam insulation, and Rockwool insulation (made of minerals and rocks turned into temperature-proof fibers). Common insulation mistakes If you are planning for a home remodeling addition, make sure to include a good insulation system in your plan. It can regulate the temperature in your home, especially during the cold season. The key here is to install the insulation system properly. However, there are still a lot of people who commit these common insulation mistakes. Here are some of them that you should avoid as much as possible. Forgetting air sealing As mentioned, insulation helps regulate temperature going in and out of your house. However, this should not block air movement, either. Otherwise, your insulation system will be in vain. Using old insulation systems Installing insulation systems can cost a fortune. That is why a lot of homeowners would find a way to save money on home improvement or a home addition design. One thing DIYers do is pulling out old insulation. However, it can cost you more unlike when you hire experts to do so. Old homes like the ones built in the 50’s or 60’s used asbestos as insulation. On the one hand, asbestos is generally safe when left unbothered. But when you disturb the material like removing it or moving it somewhere, that is where the problem starts. The same goes for vermiculite, which is somewhat linked to asbestos. Overstuffing insulation So you think the more you stuff insulation in your home makes it already better? Unfortunately, not so. When using fiberglass insulation, it’s the air […]

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What to Consider Before Choosing Paint for Your Home

September 12, 2020

Improving your home is a major project to partake as a homeowner. It can be an expensive affair, even tedious, depending on how big your planned home improvement project is. Planning for a home addition design is another story. You can avail affordable home additions from professional home remodeling architects that will suit your budget. But sometimes, home improvement can be as cheap and simple as buying good quality paint. Instead of tearing up the walls or replacing old cabinets, you can opt to repaint them for a fresher, more renewed look. Applying a fresh coat of paint is also a good idea if you are planning to sell your home. But first, you need to consider several things when choosing paint. Types of paint For starters, paint comes in different sheens. Two of the most popular ones are latex and oil-based paints. Latex paints This one is more common and more preferred to use because it is easier to clean up. Plus, it can last for many years as well. Latex paint is also less susceptible to premature fading and bubbling, hence the durability. It is also said to be more eco-friendly than its oil-based counterpart. You can use this type of paint to work on various surfaces including wood and concrete. Oil paints Meanwhile, oil-based paints came earlier than latex paint, existing for more than 50 years. But it is still being used until now mostly wood trims and moldings, as suggested by most architects builders. Oil paints also tend to dry longer than latex paint, so make sure to allow drying time. Some use an oil-based primer and use latex paint as a top coat, but it depends on your paint preference and requirement. Types of paint sheens And then there are different types of paint sheens, popular of which the glossy, semi-glossy, are and matte finishes. When to use glossy paint? Home remodeling architects recommend using glossy paint in high-traffic areas such as the living room, kitchen, or the playroom. You can easily clean and wipe walls and other surfaces with glossy paint. On the downside, glossy paint can highlight surface imperfections including bumps and other blemishes. When to use semi-glossy paint? Home improvement experts suggest using semi-gloss paint for bathroom and kitchen areas. Semi-glossy paint is also a little cheaper than glossy paint, making it a good alternative to the latter if you are aiming for the glossiness of paint. When to use matte paint? Matte or flat paint, although can hide imperfections more effectively, may not be recommended in high-traffic areas. This is because it may not be easily cleaned unlike using glossy paint. But if you want to use matte, you can opt for eggshell sheen. It also resembles matte paint but easier to maintain and wash, smoother, and more long-lasting. What to consider when choosing the paint color It can be overwhelming to choose the right paint color for your home, as there are a lot of colors to choose from. Well, it depends on your objectives. For example, experts suggest using white or off-white paint for walls if you are planning […]

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Ways to Make Your Home Smell Good After a Paint Job

September 5, 2020

A good paint job is a must for every home. It can be a fun but tedious activity depending on how big the area in your house that you are going to paint. Painting requires careful planning including the timeline, whether to hire manpower or do it on your own and where to temporarily store furniture and other things before starting the paint job. It can take days or weeks to complete a paint job. It is also a cost-effective way to spruce up your exterior and interior walls and even your cabinets and other furniture. You can hire a home additions builder to help you achieve the home you’ve always wanted. And then there’s that familiar stench While the painting is, as mentioned, a cost-effective way to improve your home, it can leave a mark in the room. An unpleasant smell, rather. Well, that lingering smell is inevitable after a major paint job. For one thing, the paint’s smell is not good at all. It can even cause a headache for others who can get a whiff of the scent of paint. You can simply open the door or the window to get rid of the smell of paint. But you cannot simply do so if it’s raining or it’s “pollen season” and you get allergies from it. There is no denying that we get used, even immune, to the scent of our home. It can be a smell of different things. It can be the smell of daily homecooked meals. Or the musty smell of your natural body scent. Or the smell of your pet dog resting in the living room. Regardless, there are still ways to get rid of unpleasant smells especially the smell of paint. Getting rid of paint smell For some reason, the smell of paint can be addicting… but not good for your health. Whether you are building a home addition or just hired a home addition builder for your home improvement project, you need to get rid of the smell of paint as much as possible. Fortunately, there are easy ways to do so. Baking soda This white, scent-free powder is a blessing to mankind. It can do a lot of things, from whitening your teeth, clean bathrooms, and even use it as a baking ingredient. And yes, it can remove the strong scent of paint. Your home additions builder might also recommend using this humble kitchen item after a paint job. Simply put a good amount of baking soda in a bowl, leave it in a room, and let it do its magic. Scented candles Candles are not only for… well, romantic candlelight dinners. It is also a great way to get rid of paint smells. While there are different candles to choose from, there are also candles specially made to get rid of strong paint odors. Coffee Not only the smell of coffee can jolt you awake every morning but is also a great odor absorber. Simply pour coffee grounds in a bowl and leave it in the room to get rid of the paint smell. But remember, do not use […]

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Home Additions for Added Property Value: Which Ones to Pursue and Ones to Avoid?

June 20, 2020

Much has happened because of the pandemic. For one, a lot of businesses have been affected and some even have to close. While some businesses are able to bounce back and survive the impact of the ongoing pandemic, some industries are still struggling until now. One of these is the real estate industry. Being mostly at home, a lot of homeowners took the quarantine period to do something valuable. Say, planning for a home addition design for your outdated kitchen or bathroom. For your home improvement needs, better hire home remodeling architects. Home improvement in the middle of a pandemic As mentioned, the real estate industry has been affected a lot by the pandemic. Buying property may not be a priority for now. However, there are some homeowners who are considering selling their homes now. One reason is because of financial problems – some may have lost their jobs and have no means to pay for a mortgage. Unfortunately, this is the reality of many homeowners now. It will be a lucky occurrence if they are able to sell their homes during these uncertain times. But for those who are more fortunate, now is the time for a home improvement project – no matter how minor or major it is. Then again, it also depends on your long-term goals. If you are planning to live in your home for many years, it is good to invest in your home. It is also a good idea to hire a professional home additions builder to help you with your home improvement project. However, home improvement projects can also be tempting. For example, you might be considering to add a small pool or build a treehouse in your backyard. But the question is: Are they necessary? Is hiring an outdoor remodeling expert worth it? More importantly, will these add value to your home? Home improvement projects to avoid this pandemic As luxurious as it may seem, there are a lot of home improvement projects that won’t add value to your real estate property. More so, if you are planning to move to another place after a couple of years. So, which of these popular home improvement projects you should avoid? Jacuzzis/Sauna baths It may sound relaxing to have your own Jacuzzi in your bathroom. For one thing, building a Jacuzzi or sauna bath can cost you high electric bills aside from frequent maintenance costs. In-ground swimming pool Depending on the type and size of the pool you are aiming for, it can cost as much as tens of thousands of dollars. While having a pool seems like a dream come true for many homeowners, it might make your house challenging to sell. For one, families with small children may not want to buy a house with a large pool due to safety reasons. High-end kitchens Too much home addition design not only is expensive but also unnecessary. Just like when you buy expensive tiles, countertops, and appliances. Trends come and go, and so will these appliances, tiles, and other home décor. Your high-end refrigerator might already be outdated when you decide to sell […]

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Home Improvement Projects You Should Avoid While COVID-19 is Still Here

May 21, 2020

It has been a while since COVID-19 flipped our lives upside down. The world did not expect the devastating impact of the virus on mankind in general. It also created a huge impact on the global economy and overwhelmed the healthcare sector. This pandemic also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, so far. People are reminded to stay at home as much as possible. Avoid outdoor activities or going outside for long periods of time. You may also have to skip hiring a home additions builder or any other home addition companies near you due to physical distancing. Being productive at home On the other hand, being on quarantine has pushed a lot of people to be productive. To make the most of their idle time and do something worthwhile. It may not be the right time to hire home remodeling architects right now because of social distancing. But this doesn’t mean you cannot improve your home while on quarantine. For one thing, there are a lot of things you can do while at home. Bond with your family, learn new recipes or revisit your past favorite songs online. This quarantine period is also the time to accomplish home improvement projects at home. Home improvement does not have to be expensive and need not hire a home addition builder. Then again, it will be a good help to avail of affordable home additions for your home improvement projects. But in the meantime, it might be better to be productive and practical during these uncertain times. DIY home improvement projects you should NOT do When you are cooped up inside your home for a long time, you tend to notice the small things more. Some can be as simple as reorganizing your clothes cabinet. Or it can be as tedious as building a home addition in your property. However, there are some home improvement projects that you should shelf for now. You should already know why. It can also be hard to find someone now in case you need one to help you finish the job. So, what are these specific home improvement projects that you should not do while there’s still COVID-19? Noisy home improvement projects Being mostly at home means your neighbors are more likely to be in the same situation. This also means having to tolerate each other’s noise every day. Or not at all. In such cases, you should be mindful of the right timing when doing noisy chores like mowing the lawn or using the power washer. Perhaps you can do these after 5 PM or during weekends when really needed. Home improvement projects that require a team We are often advised to do physical distancing that is why we are at home right now. But what is the sense of physical distancing if you let a team of strangers come into your house? Avoid home improvement projects that would require a lot of people to go to your home. Home improvement projects that use a ladder It may be a good time to clean your gutter. However, you should avoid this in […]

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Staying Fit During COVID-19: Tips on Building Your Own Home Gym

May 13, 2020

COVID-19 forced people to stay indoors, whether they like it or not. A lot of businesses closed in the meantime, including gyms and health and wellness centers. Even planning on building a home addition needs to take a back seat for now. In other words, this pandemic has already affected much of our usual routines and it seems that we have to get used to it. Staying fit in the middle of a pandemic We all know how important it is to keep ourselves healthy and fit. That is why there are a lot of health and fitness centers in every neighborhood corner. Others go for a morning or evening run or pedal their bikes around town as part of their fitness routines. However, all of these changed when COVID-19 appeared out of nowhere and spread like wildfire. People’s daily routines have been drastically disrupted due to the virus. Weekend parties and out of town travels were prohibited, and people have to shelter in place. Running outdoors is strongly discouraged as well, although there are some people who still do. Nevertheless, staying fit and healthy is a lot of challenging these days. People can only dream of having a home gym built by professional home addition companies. Having a home gym is possible Then again, having your own home gym is possible. It doesn’t have to be full-scale and fancy like in many popular gyms and health and fitness centers. On a side note, there are a lot of households that already have home gyms before the COVID-19 outbreak. There are good reasons why you should have your own home gym. For one, it can save you time and money from going to another gym. You also get to have and use all of the fitness equipment all by yourself. Most of all, it is a good idea to invest in your health in the long run. You can hire a home addition builder to help build your dream home gym. There are affordable home additions that can cater to homeowners and their home addition needs. Before that, you need to consider some things before building a home gym. What to consider before building a home gym Having a home gym should not only be something to show off your guests. Rather, it should be useful for you and your family. What you will include in your home gym largely depends on your fitness goals. Setting up a gym at home may not be an easy task. As mentioned, there are some things that you will need to consider. These include the following. Space First of all, you need to decide where you will set up your home gym. Some prefer putting up their gyms in the garage or in a spare room. Some even hire home remodeling architects for a customized home gym area. Budget Setting up your gym also depends on your budget. You would have to shell out a large amount of money if you want a bigger home gym or more sophisticated fitness equipment. Type of workout It is also important to consider the location depending […]

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Essential Tips on Creating a Pet-Friendly Home

January 2, 2020

As pet lovers, it is only natural to have at least one pet living with you or with your family at home. When we say pets, it doesn’t only pertain to dogs and cats. It can also pertain to other animals such as birds, pot-bellied pigs, rabbits, hamsters, fish, snakes, or any kind of animals (as long as domesticated) you can think of. If you currently have pets or if you are planning to have pets at home, you should consider their living condition. If you love your pets, you will make sure that they are living as comfortable as possible. You might also want to consider hiring a home addition builder to create a special living space for your beloved pets. Planning for a better life for your pets Our pets deserve the most comfortable life that they can experience. For one thing, our pets live shorter than us. That is why it will surely be devastating to lose them after many years of good memories. Even if they can be rowdy at times (especially in households with multiple pets), it is exactly what makes them endearing. Some animals can be naturally curious, they tend to sniff things around them. Some may be too active that they might cause potential accidents that may hurt them later on. That is why we should not only consider the overall living comfort of our pets but also keep them safe at all times. In such cases, you might want to consider planning for a pet-friendly home remodel project. You should hire a home additions builder that has experience in creating pet-friendly home additions. There are a lot of home addition ideas that your beloved pets will surely love. Just make sure to do your research and consider your budget as well. Home addition ideas for your pets As mentioned, you should not only consider your pet’s comfort level but also their safety. It is also a nice thing to invest in the following pet-friendly home additions. Most of these home addition ideas are not that that expensive. Here are some pet-friendly home addition designs you can build for your beloved pets. Pet house Your pets will surely love having their own place they can call home. When you say home, it’s not just a simple rug or a spot in the house where they can lay on. Why not build a pet house for your beloved furry companion in your backyard and feel like royalty? Protective gate Some doors have flaps below where your pets can go through when they want to go outside and vice versa. However, it may not guarantee safety on your pets especially if they are too big to fit in the flap. Instead, you may want to consider having a sturdier gate, especially for your very persistent pets. Pet window Animals also deserve to see the beautiful world around them. However, most windows at home are too high for your pets. You may want to have a ground window built by a home addition builder. If you have a fence at home, you may also have it […]

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