Improving your home is a major project to partake as a homeowner. It can be an expensive affair, even tedious, depending on how big your planned home improvement project is. Planning for a home addition design is another story. You can avail affordable home additions from professional home remodeling architects that will suit your budget.

But sometimes, home improvement can be as cheap and simple as buying good quality paint. Instead of tearing up the walls or replacing old cabinets, you can opt to repaint them for a fresher, more renewed look. Applying a fresh coat of paint is also a good idea if you are planning to sell your home. But first, you need to consider several things when choosing paint.

Types of paint

For starters, paint comes in different sheens. Two of the most popular ones are latex and oil-based paints.

Latex paints

This one is more common and more preferred to use because it is easier to clean up. Plus, it can last for many years as well. Latex paint is also less susceptible to premature fading and bubbling, hence the durability. It is also said to be more eco-friendly than its oil-based counterpart. You can use this type of paint to work on various surfaces including wood and concrete.

Oil paints

Meanwhile, oil-based paints came earlier than latex paint, existing for more than 50 years. But it is still being used until now mostly wood trims and moldings, as suggested by most architects builders. Oil paints also tend to dry longer than latex paint, so make sure to allow drying time. Some use an oil-based primer and use latex paint as a top coat, but it depends on your paint preference and requirement.

Types of paint sheens

And then there are different types of paint sheens, popular of which the glossy, semi-glossy, are and matte finishes.

When to use glossy paint?

Home remodeling architects recommend using glossy paint in high-traffic areas such as the living room, kitchen, or the playroom. You can easily clean and wipe walls and other surfaces with glossy paint. On the downside, glossy paint can highlight surface imperfections including bumps and other blemishes.

When to use semi-glossy paint?

Home improvement experts suggest using semi-gloss paint for bathroom and kitchen areas. Semi-glossy paint is also a little cheaper than glossy paint, making it a good alternative to the latter if you are aiming for the glossiness of paint.

When to use matte paint?

Matte or flat paint, although can hide imperfections more effectively, may not be recommended in high-traffic areas. This is because it may not be easily cleaned unlike using glossy paint. But if you want to use matte, you can opt for eggshell sheen. It also resembles matte paint but easier to maintain and wash, smoother, and more long-lasting.

What to consider when choosing the paint color

It can be overwhelming to choose the right paint color for your home, as there are a lot of colors to choose from. Well, it depends on your objectives.

For example, experts suggest using white or off-white paint for walls if you are planning to sell your house. When it comes to painting colors, you can never go wrong with white. Also, it will allow the home buyer to repaint the walls with a different color, which is most likely.

Remember the color wheel? Blue and purple allow one color to stand out from the other. Meanwhile, red and green can complement and look good with each other. Using colors with the same shade as greens or blues can offer a subtle appeal and can make a room look more spacious. If you want a more vibrant-looking room, you can opt for bright colors like yellow, red, and oranges.

Other tips when painting a room

Here are other things to consider when choosing paint colors for your respective rooms.

  • Create focal points. Try adding colors that contrast with each other.
  • Use a darker shade to make a room look smaller and to make that spot stand out.
  • Make sure to prep the surface first before starting any painting job. Remove cracks and remnants of old paint using a scraper and washing the surface.
  • Cover areas with painter’s tape or old newspapers that you don’t want to paint.
  • Include hiring paint professionals in your home addition design in Washington DC.