From Concept to Construction ™

How to Survive a Home Renovation

April 28, 2024

Whether it’s taking a bathroom out of action or sleeping in the living room, home remodeling can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be disastrous. Surviving a remodeling is possible using the tips given below: Have a solid plan The only way to survive a kitchen makeover or condo remodel is to plan. You should prioritize structural projects (such as replacing your roof, creating new walls, or improving fundamental or electrical systems) before tackling cosmetic jobs like painting. Assume you are staying in your home during the renovation. In that situation, you should communicate with your contractor about the building timetable so that you can design a strategy to eliminate clutter and avoid occupying their construction area. Ask your contractor for recommendations and collaborate to make the process smooth for everyone. Clearly define the scope of the proposed job. Online resources will help you create a clear vision of the appearance you want. You can explore images and add your favorites to ideabooks to share with family members and professionals. Also, consider visiting showrooms and suppliers to see product and finish samples, and take a tour of properties for sale in your region to get ideas about what you can realistically expect. Have a daily routine. Creating and sticking to a daily routine will help you keep organized during your remodel. It also allows you to prepare ahead and predict which days will be the most chaotic. For example, surviving a kitchen or bathroom remodel may require spending the weekend away with the kids if there is rewiring or appliance downtime. The more prepared you are, the less stressful things will be. Of course, disturbance to your and your family’s lives will be part of the process, but there are easy steps you can take to minimize inconveniences, such as sticking to a timetable and requesting one from your contractor. Be ready for dust in the house. To survive a kitchen, bathroom remodel, or any other renovation, you must be mentally prepared for chronic dust. Even after professionals have cleaned the scene, construction dust will most likely be still present. A wise way to do it is to pack up stuff you won’t need and invest in proper storage while renovating. It’s also a good idea to use heavy-duty plastic drop cloths to block the doorways between your temporary living and renovation area and to tape up vents to prevent dust from entering your home’s air system. If there is a potential that the item being worked on contains lead paint, you must follow the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Paint Guidelines. You can also use magnetic vent covers to keep dust out of non-renovated areas of your home. Another method to consider is using plastic drop cloths to seal the entrance between the remodeling area and your living space. You should also ensure your contractor and all personnel understand which areas of your home are off-limits. You need a private location where you don’t have to worry about staff snooping, tampering with your belongings, or invading your space. Make it clear where they may and cannot go. Have a […]

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Bathroom Remodeling Tricks

November 25, 2023

If you don’t like the current look of your bathroom, there are several things you can do to spruce it up. Some of these things include: Spruce up the tub and shower According to Deborah Rozell, president of Innovative Inclusive Design and a certified aging-in-place specialist (CAPS), your bathroom should create a sense of well-being—but it can’t do so if you don’t feel safe accessing it. And, while it’s easy to prioritize aesthetics in your shower and tub, water and tile can be a dangerous combination. To avoid this, you should make a few changes in and around bathing places. Falls are a major issue in the bathroom, but there is a lot you can do to reduce the danger. According to Russell Kendzior, president of the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), you can use items that grip your tiles if your shower or tub floor is slick. These solutions, made with a mild acid, aren’t a coating but a scrub that you put on the surface to break away the buildup of soil and soap and micro-etch it, boosting slip resistance. To stay safe, work with your home addition contractors and get anti-slip floor treatment, suitable for porcelain, ceramic, and stone floors. You also should choose a bath mat with a nonskid bottom to place outside the shower or tub. A shower bench is a great addition as it assists you while bathing or simply as a place to rest and relax. You should find one and install it. You can have one made from concrete or buy one from your local store. When making the purchase, get one that is foldable that you can easily fold once you are done showering, as it saves you space. Consider installing single-lever controls on your tub and shower fixtures. These controls have a lever that is simpler to grasp than a knob, and having only one handle for temperature control allows for finer changes than separate ones for hot and cold. If you’ve always had a fixed showerhead, you might appreciate the versatility of a handheld showerhead with a long hose (59 inches) and a sprayer head. When the sprayer head rests in a holder at standard showerhead height, you can use it hands-free or as a hand shower whether you’re standing or seated in the shower or tub. Also useful for rinsing the walls or shower door after cleaning.) Choose a model that slides up and down on a vertical sidebar for further adaptability, allowing you to raise or lower it to your desired height without holding it while bathing. Add more lighting Ceiling fixtures give general lighting, but don’t forget to include task lighting in spots where enhanced visibility could prevent injuries. You should add lights near the sink, the toilet, and the tub or shower. You will even be better off if you go with dimmable or multicolored bulbs. Go with lights that allow you to change the strength and color of the light from dazzling white in the morning to a warm glow in the evening. Rather than going for motion-sensor lights, choose ones that stay on […]

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Guide to Renovating Your Office Space.

September 29, 2023

Renovating an office is a major task, whether it’s a sprawling floor in a skyscraper or a small room for you and a few employees. Thankfully, with the right commercial remodeling contractors and careful planning, you can improve the beauty and effectiveness of your office without breaking the bank. To help you out, here are some ideas that you should incorporate into your office remodeling project: Get rid of clutter. Clearing the clutter is a good place to start if you want to make the most of the space in your workplace while thinking about remodeling ideas. Decluttering allows you to eliminate superfluous items while making additional storage space available. When decluttering, begin with large objects, such as unused couches and workboards. To assist you with larger items, use decluttering service providers. You also should encourage your employees to clean their workspaces. Keep only the essentials on your desk, such as your computer, phone, and other basic office equipment. Use digital storage options such as cloud storage or digital file-organizing software to organize your archive. You can reduce the amount of paper in your workplace by doing so. Take your time as much as you should, and eliminate unnecessary items. Before throwing anything during your decluttering exercise, give it a thorough once-over. Open up the office. The era of suffocating, windowless cubicles is over. When cubicles were the norm, most workers reported being forced to wear blinders. As much as the traditional enclosed cubicles provided some solitude, it came at a cost. When opposed to today’s modern, team-based, collaborative workplace, a fundamental disadvantage was a need for more communication among employees. Making the workplace more open and transparent can enhance employee happiness, teamwork, and a sense of community. Installing glass walls and dividers is a great way to open up the office. Update the interior and finishes. Even if you only consider small office renovation ideas, updating a business’s interior design and finishes can significantly impact its ambiance. Renovations may involve selecting new wall colors, flooring, and lighting to better portray the company’s brand. Consider how you add visual appeal to the room by including diverse textures, patterns, and other design elements. If you need help with how to go about it, get the input of a professional. Include some greenery Aesthetics are more crucial than ever before in attracting top-tier customers and staff. Adding some greenery to the workplace is a terrific and low-cost way to accomplish this. Humans have an inbuilt desire to connect with the natural environment and other living creatures. It’s no wonder employees with access to green places, such as those with abundant plants, are more productive and take fewer sick days. It’s unclear whether this is due to higher quantities of oxygen in the air or simply the fact that workers who plants surround report feeling happier at work, but it doesn’t matter. You can enhance your working environment without resorting to drastic methods like building an indoor rainforest. Adding some plants, even small ones, will instantly improve the appearance of your workplace. Think about bicycles Bicycling is becoming increasingly popular. As a result, if your […]

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Tricks To Modernize Your Home

January 27, 2023

If you have had your house for a long time, it’s most likely outdated. If you love to give your home a modern, refreshed look, you can do several things with your commercial remodeling professional to give it a look you are after. Some of the things you can do include: Update the furniture When was the last time you replaced the furniture in your home? Since the house is old, it has been a long. One excellent way to give the house a modern look is to update the furniture. There are no right or wrong pieces of furniture to install, as different houses look best in different units. Regardless of your choices, you need to avoid trendy pieces as it’s a matter of time before they get out of fashion and you have the urge to replace them. When getting new pieces, pay more attention to their functionality. As a rule of thumb, you need to ensure that the new furniture serves the purpose and meets your needs. You should always get high-quality pieces that not only look good but also will last for a long time. Again, there is no telling which ones are the best—you should work with your interior designer and find the ones that look the best for your home. You can furnish the house by yourself but for the perfect look, and work with an experienced interior designer. Repaint the house Paint gives any house a new breath of life. And the good thing is that it’s not expensive. While painting is an effective way to give your house a modern look, you shouldn’t go haphazardly at it—you need to be strategic in how you go about it. One of the tricks to use is to always go for neutral colors such as white, grey, and beige. These colors are timeless and give any house the clean, crisp look you are after. To make your house visually appealing, use a few bold accent colors. Some of the best places to use these accent colors include walls, furniture, and accessories. When it comes to the finish, go with a glossy finish that has been shown to give a modern touch to most homes. For a subtle look, avoid a matte finish that gives the house a more subdued, sophisticated look. Like when furnishing your house, you can do the work yourself or hire a professional to help you out. Incorporate smart home technology Including technology in your home will significantly make your home appear more modern. And the cool thing is that there are plenty of smart home appliances that you can include in your house. Some of the options you can go with include: Smart thermostats allow you to remotely control the temperature in your home using your phone or voice commands. There are many types of thermostats you can go with, and it’s up to you to research and find the one that is most ideal for your home. Smart lighting: These allow you to control your lights remotely. The lighting systems allow you to schedule the lights on and off. Using the systems, you can […]

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5 Things You Shouldn’t do When Remodeling A House

March 25, 2022

You need to do the right things for a successful house renovation project. This calls for you to avoid the things that might jeopardize your project. Which are these things? Here they are as given by home remodeling architects: Don’t buy cheap materials Good quality remodeling materials don’t come cheap, so most homeowners try to cut their costs by going for the cheap ones. While this will save you some money, it’s not a wise move as you often spend more money than you should have. Like other cheap materials, cheap remodeling materials mean that the materials will come apart after a short time, and you are forced to replace them too often, which ends up being too expensive. For a successful and durable project, you should avoid cheap materials. If you don’t have enough money to complete your project in one go, do it in phases. Don’t go too small Some homeowners try to go small to save money when adding a new addition. This means that they end up building additions that are unpleasant to look at and often end up being impractical to use. For example, instead of putting up a standard bathroom, some try to cut costs by building a small bathroom. While you can get away with installing low-profile toilets and narrower sinks in a small bathroom, some homeowners go too small that you can’t even use the small addition. To avoid this, you should construct your new addition in phases instead of going at it once. While you will take longer to complete the project, you will do it right and have a functional and beautiful addition at the end of it all. Don’t go too trendy When you have a new remodeling project, it’s easy to be caught up with the current trending wave. While your new project will look hip and trendy, it’s not a wise move as trends fade with time and the once hip-house becomes a dinosaur. As much as your new project should be modern, it shouldn’t be too trendy that anyone can tell when you built it. Trends are short term so you should work with an experienced professional who will guide you on the best modern design and will stand the test of time and look good in the coming decades. Don’t forget your home’s style. Your new addition should have a life of its own, and it shouldn’t resemble your original home, right? Wrong! As much as you are putting up a new addition, remember that it should always match the design and style of your old house. This brings uniformity so that the new addition doesn’t look out of place. Of course, to achieve this, you should work with an experienced professional who will expertly borrow a few features from the old house and at the same time give the new addition a new look. Don’t hire just any contractor. The home addition builder DC you hire has a significant impact on the look of the complete house, so you need to be cautious and ensure that you hire the right one. As a rule […]

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How To Choose The Right Sink For Your Bathroom

January 8, 2019

The bathroom is one of the places in the house you consider to be your personal space. Next, to your room, this is where you find refuge and relaxation. One of the home remodeling addition is a bathroom that presents a personality that reflects you and what you really wanted. However, as visually pleasing as you wanted your bathroom to be; your sink should not fall second best. CHOOSING YOUR VERY OWN BATHROOM SINK Just like modern technology, bathroom sinks nowadays have a wide range of options where consumers like you will surely be overwhelmed with its vast, broad spectrum of styles, types, and colors. But if you make yourself open to all the available options the decision-making process can be easier and less confusing. Plus, being specific with what you really wanted can assure you that your bathroom sink will be the perfect match with the rest of your bathroom items.  THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BATHROOM SINKS Self Rimming The Self Rimming Sinks are also known as the Drop In Sinks which are being installed above the bathroom counters. Sinks such as these have a rolled and finished rim that secures the sink above the countertop keeping it all in place. Actually, the self-rimming is the easiest sink to install because it can also be replaced anytime without the need of altering your entire countertop. It also blends well with all kinds of bathroom materials, making it a sink of all styles. Undermount The Undermount sinks are being installed on a solid surface countertop like granite, concrete, and marble from underneath. This kind of sink can be customized where the sink is exactly the same size as the hole cut into the counter. However, replacement of this sink can be a bit challenging since it’s customized. Pedestal The Pedestal sink is a freestanding unit that is supported by a small columnar set that is fixated beneath the sink itself. A sink like this is not to be installed in your vanity area. The pedestal sink type is the top choice for a small bathroom as it gives more room in the area and does not need any space for storage. Vessel The vessel sink is what you need for your vanity countertop where the bottom part of the sink is aligned with the entire countertop. This kind of installation is called the above-counter. At one point, this sink type can partially sit on the counter, although a large space above the countertop which can be your advantage if you have a lot of personal bathroom stuff. You can choose from glass, stone, ceramic, and a lot more materials of this type of sink. Console The console sink is a wall-mounted sink that is supported by 2 to 4 legs. However, the plumbing drain and water supply line is exposed so try matching your faucet with it for a more unified look. Wall Hung The wall hung sink is also a wall-mounted type that is designed to save bathroom space if you have a smaller room. They are not matched or bundled with any vanity or counter. This type of […]

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Ways To Choose Your Dream Bath Tub

November 17, 2018

About bathroom home remodeling addition plans, you definitely have on your list getting yourself a new and stylish bathtub, especially if you’ve always wanted to have one. Although having a shower is enough to get clean whenever you are really in a hurry, the bathtub can really give you a relaxing feel if you have extra time to dive in. Bathtubs are like mini pools that are not only space where you can wash but is also a place that gives your entire body a soothing and refreshing aftermath. It lets you ease down and meditate while enjoying the little “me” time. But before you give your bathroom a renovation go, you have to make sure that what you are replacing it with or installing is what you really need and is compatible with your space. TYPES OF TUBS Aside from the cleaning function, bathtubs can also do other things which you should be aware of. Standard. The standard bathtub is the basic built-in shower and tub in one. It’s the most affordable type and can be purchased from local home depots and centers. Air Tubs and Whirlpool. If you wanted to experience a bath-massage with a therapeutic effect the air tub and whirlpool is what you need. The whirlpool blasts water through the tub jets while the air tub reinforces soothing air into the water. The whirlpool alone happens to be more expensive than the air tub so together they are a bit pricey. Soaking. The soaking tub gives your body more room to be submerged as you bath. It can also be freestanding or built-in depending on your preference. Walk-In. If you have kids or elderly family members in the house, it would be risky for them to climb in and out of the tub as it can be slippery. The best option is the walk-in tubs to keep your family safe. BATHTUB MATERIALS Bathtubs can really be a focal point in any bathrooms, especially if it is uniquely designed. However, tub materials can also play a big role in how you can enjoy the benefits of having a bathtub for the price that fits your budget and lifestyle. Acrylic This light-weight-glossy plastic material looks like a cast iron that can be easily formed which is used for air tubs and whirlpools. It’s also easier to repair compared to the porcelain tub material. Fiberglass This material uses gelcoat in order to make it look more glossy. The fiberglass material is also known as the fiberglass-reinforced plastic or FRP. It’s easier to clean and is much cheaper than the acrylic, though it’s not as durable as the other materials and can easily crack once hit by a hard element. Composite This genuinely-engineered enamel coated material is resistant to heat just like the cast iron tubs. Because of this, it makes it one of the best choices by higher-classed household. Cultured Marble The cultured marble is a solid element that was formed from crushed marble with resin and coated with gelcoat. Although scratches and stains can easily be removed from this type of material, cracks could no longer be repaired. […]

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Bathroom Reconstruction and Remodeling Tips

July 31, 2018

Our bathroom is the only place where we get to pamper ourselves. We groom ourselves and give ourselves a treat whenever we are in the bathroom. A clean bathroom can make us do whatever we want to do with ourselves comfortably. Without worrying about the leaks and unremoved stains, the bathroom should be cleaned and fixed from time to time. This is for you to be able to concentrate on giving yourself a treat. But if you are already fed up with the design of your bathroom, you can always have it remodeled.  Bathroom home remodeling addition can be worth it so that you will be able to have a decent bathroom. You will be then comfortable whenever you are sending a few more minutes in the bathroom once the remodeling or the renovation is done. Here are some bathroom reconstruction and remodeling tips for you to consider. List the things you want to have in your bathroom We all have that dream bathroom. And if you are already planning to have your bathroom remodeled or reconstructed, add the things that you always wanted. Create a simple wish list and start searching for these things in stores. List down the prices and their brands. Also, compare different kinds of brands so that you will be able to choose the one that you really need. Budget Once you have created your wish list and the different items that you will need, it is time to add the numbers. Make sure that you will have enough budget to finance the entire remodeling process. If there are items that you really want to get and you don’t have enough budget for it, you can always get an alternative. Or, you can have a DIY project so that it will look similar to the item that you really want to have. Choose durable materials Remodeling or reconstructing is eliminating the damaged materials and have it replaced with new ones. Be sure to choose the most durable materials in remodeling your bathroom. Create a floor plan Create a floor plan that can maximize the space of your bathroom. Whenever you are pampering yourself in the bathroom, you want to have enough space for you to relax. There are different floor patterns that can be customized according to the space of your bathroom. Add shelves and drawers Once the floor plan is all set, it is time for you to add more designs in your bathroom. Choose an appropriate bathroom color and pick out different accessories that go with the design of your bathroom. Don’t forget to add shelves and drawers so that you will be able to have enough space to place your towels and other toiletries. Choose proper lighting The bathroom must have the best lighting. Vanity light is best installed around your mirror. This is for you to see your face without any shadows. And whenever you apply your makeup, it will be easier for you to balance out the different shades that you put on your face. Know where to place the vents In order for you to breathe properly in your […]

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Interior Home Remodeling: Bathroom Remodeling Advices

April 30, 2018

Looking for a house in order to make it a home is a little bit tricky. It will take time for us to decide on where it is located and how it looks like. There are a lot of people who often buy a ready-made house. And all they have to do is hire home remodeling architects. This way, they will be able to redecorate and reconstruct the way their house looks to the way they wanted it to be. It usually takes a lot of work so that it will look exactly the way they wanted it to look. Every part of your home should be cozy and must have that homey feeling. From the front door up to the attic, everything must be well constructed and well- done. One of the most important parts of our home is the bathroom. It is one of the places aside from your bedroom where you get to have your own time. You get to spend your time there before you get ready for the day. A well-constructed bathroom will make you feel comfortable whenever you are using it. This is a place where you get to pamper yourself with a warm bath, do your beauty routines and as well as abiding by the call of nature. Below are some areas of your bathroom that you can add or renovate. You can even install different kinds of bathroom accessories to fully make your bathroom experience great. Showers and Bathtubs Showers Shower area comes in different designs. There are those that have small and there are those that are spacious. When it comes to renovating your bathroom, the shower area is one of the most important parts. The design of your shower area should correspond to your preference and so with the size of your bathroom. There are a lot of things you need to consider when it comes to renovating your shower area. You have to decide which shower head you are going to use, the kind of division you want, whether it is a simple shower curtain or a glass door. Bathtubs If you are the kind of a person who likes to have long and relaxing baths, bathtubs will always be your best friend. There are a lot of bathroom ideas that show different kinds of bathtubs. There are tubs that are detachable, there are also those that are mounted on the wall. Bathtubs come in different shapes and sizes. All you have to do is to make sure that it will fit inside your bathroom and will give you enough space for the other bathroom necessities. Countertops and Flooring Both countertops and flooring matters in your bathroom. It is responsible for its striking look because of its color and built. Choosing the right color combination of both countertops and flooring will make the most of your bathroom. There are a lot of things that you need to consider. Like the shade of the color you want, the kind of tiles you will be using for the floor and the design of your countertop. There are a lot of countertops that you […]

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Remodeling Contractor: Factors To Consider When Remodeling The Bathroom

January 24, 2018

You can decide to remodel your bathroom due to many reasons such as: The bathroom looks too old, and you want to improve its look You want to give the bathroom a new design You are looking to remodel the unit for resale If having a major project, you should avoid doing it on your own—the best way forward is hiring a remodeling contractor to help you out. When you are remodeling the bathroom, you need to consider a number of factors that include: Color The color can make or break your remodeling project. To have an easy time choosing the color you need to think what you want the room to be once you have completed the project. Do you want it to be a child’s delight or adult’s practical room? Will you be using it as a serene retreat from stress? When you decide what you want the room will be, you will have an easy time settling on a color. You have many colors that you can choose from. Red and yellow colors are lively and tend to awaken emotions. When using the colors, you should use them in moderation. This calls for you to avoid painting the entire room the same color. Can you imagine a red or completely yellow bathroom? If you want to use the colors on all the walls, you should go for darker hues and accessorize with brighter fixtures. To give your bathroom a relaxed feeling, you should go for blue or green colors. Just like the red and yellow colors, you should avoid overdoing it. If you aren’t sure of the right colors to go with, get the input of a bathroom remodeling expert. Lighting Just like your living room, the lighting you use in your bathroom is of great importance as it determines the emotion and atmosphere. The cool thing is that there are many types of lights on the market that you should go for. Your decision should be influenced by the emotion you want to elicit and the theme of your bathroom and home in general. If you have an old home, you should go for antique lighting fixtures as the modern ones will give your home an ugly look. Conclusion These are some of the factors you should consider when remodeling your bathroom. Whether making decisions, you aren’t sure about, or installing the fixtures, ensure that reputable home remodeling companies DC  to do the work.

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