From Concept to Construction ™

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Remodeling Their Condos

July 27, 2024

Studies show that many homeowners make plenty of mistakes when remodeling their condos. These mistakes include: Going for the cheapest contractors The quotes you receive from several condo remodel contractors you interview will differ significantly. The majority of them most likely lie in a similar mid-range, with one perhaps being high and another relatively low. A frugal homeowner may believe they have found the solution after seeing that inexpensive estimate, but things are not as simple as they seem. Perhaps the contractor omitted something from your quote, which is why it is substantially less than the others. It’s also possible they’re giving you a quote without including the cost of permits or debris disposal, or they’re using technicians with less experience or lower-quality supplies. Regretfully, there are instances where the contractor may be purposefully deceiving you. It hurts to learn about it, but it does occur. You should avoid contractors who refuse to provide a receipt or who offer a discount in exchange for payment. This is because these are often signs of dishonest contractors. You should note that there’s usually a valid explanation if a quote is low. When you receive a quote that is much lower than the average, you shouldn’t rush to take it. Instead, you should be concerned about the caliber of the job. If you believe that hiring a professional is pricey, consider the expense of hiring a professional to correct amateur work that you attempted to save money on. This is a note to say that you should go with the highest quote to guarantee quality work. It’s probably not real if it seems too good to be true. When you receive the quote, inquire if the contractor has defined every material by brand, model, and finish. Next, find out if the quote covers every task included in the project, line by line. To be safe and ensure that you don’t hire a contractor that you later regret, you want to see a lengthy, in-depth quote. Short and superficial ones will simply not do your project any justice, so you should avoid them. Focusing too much on the aesthetics There is always the allure of a fresh, modern kitchen or bathroom, but don’t be in a rush. And don’t prioritize fixing cosmetic issues over structural ones. To be safe, take your time and hire a contractor to conduct a house inspection before beginning any new job. This ensures that you know precisely what you are getting into before renovating. Inspecting the house also helps you budget for the remodeling and devise a plan for how you will go about it. When remodeling, take care of structural problems with your home first. This calls for you to start with the foundation, windows, doors, roof, etc. After that’s finished, you can go to the house’s interior. While at it, also ensure that all the parts of the house are working as well as they should. For example, confirm if your kitchen exhaust fan is strong enough. Does it properly vent out of the house, or does it vent into the attic? Find this out and fix […]

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How to Survive a Home Renovation

April 28, 2024

Whether it’s taking a bathroom out of action or sleeping in the living room, home remodeling can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be disastrous. Surviving a remodeling is possible using the tips given below: Have a solid plan The only way to survive a kitchen makeover or condo remodel is to plan. You should prioritize structural projects (such as replacing your roof, creating new walls, or improving fundamental or electrical systems) before tackling cosmetic jobs like painting. Assume you are staying in your home during the renovation. In that situation, you should communicate with your contractor about the building timetable so that you can design a strategy to eliminate clutter and avoid occupying their construction area. Ask your contractor for recommendations and collaborate to make the process smooth for everyone. Clearly define the scope of the proposed job. Online resources will help you create a clear vision of the appearance you want. You can explore images and add your favorites to ideabooks to share with family members and professionals. Also, consider visiting showrooms and suppliers to see product and finish samples, and take a tour of properties for sale in your region to get ideas about what you can realistically expect. Have a daily routine. Creating and sticking to a daily routine will help you keep organized during your remodel. It also allows you to prepare ahead and predict which days will be the most chaotic. For example, surviving a kitchen or bathroom remodel may require spending the weekend away with the kids if there is rewiring or appliance downtime. The more prepared you are, the less stressful things will be. Of course, disturbance to your and your family’s lives will be part of the process, but there are easy steps you can take to minimize inconveniences, such as sticking to a timetable and requesting one from your contractor. Be ready for dust in the house. To survive a kitchen, bathroom remodel, or any other renovation, you must be mentally prepared for chronic dust. Even after professionals have cleaned the scene, construction dust will most likely be still present. A wise way to do it is to pack up stuff you won’t need and invest in proper storage while renovating. It’s also a good idea to use heavy-duty plastic drop cloths to block the doorways between your temporary living and renovation area and to tape up vents to prevent dust from entering your home’s air system. If there is a potential that the item being worked on contains lead paint, you must follow the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Paint Guidelines. You can also use magnetic vent covers to keep dust out of non-renovated areas of your home. Another method to consider is using plastic drop cloths to seal the entrance between the remodeling area and your living space. You should also ensure your contractor and all personnel understand which areas of your home are off-limits. You need a private location where you don’t have to worry about staff snooping, tampering with your belongings, or invading your space. Make it clear where they may and cannot go. Have a […]

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What Should You Consider When Renovating A Condo?

November 28, 2022

Do you have an old condo and wondering what you should consider when renovating it? Well, there are plenty of things to consider, with the common ones being: The rules Every location has rules, and you must play by them to avoid being on the wrong side. Before you embark on your condo remodel project, you should check the policies of your condo board. This is because the board may or may not have policies that might affect the materials you can use when you can do the renovations, the designs you can go with, the elevator you can use, and many other details. Sometimes, the board might require you to have a permit or approval to undertake the renovations. The last thing you want to do is to start your project, then you are halted in the middle. As much as you would want to complete your project fast, you should note that complying with these policies often takes time, so you should give yourself enough time so you aren’t in a hurry to complete the project when you see the deadline fast approaching. Discuss the projected timelines with an experienced board member, contractor, or designer to understand what to expect. The reasons for doing the renovations Why are you renovating the condo in the first place? You need to think about this. This is because the reasons for doing it will determine the materials you use and the designs to go for. For example, if you are redesigning to add value to sell the condominium or increase the rental costs, you shouldn’t use extremely premium products as chances are you won’t recoup your investment. You also should be cautious of your design, as sometimes you can put people off with it. To stay on the safe side, use a neutral design that gives the new owners room for customization. On the other hand, if you are doing it for your enjoyment and to make the condo more comfortable, you can use any materials you want. For the designs, you can go all out and personalize it as much as possible. After all, you are the one who will be living in the house, isn’t it? Your limits When you are coming up with a renovation project, it’s easy to be carried away by your imagination. To ensure that you don’t spend time thinking about impossible things, you should know your limits before you even devise a plan. For example, if your condo has old angled walls or intrusive columns, you should know what you can do with them. To stay on the safe side, work with experienced professionals who will guide you through. Lighting You need your condominium to be properly lit up. Of course, you can have large windows to bring in natural light, but you still need to consider lighting for the night. Most condos have cement ceilings, so you can’t drill into them to install the lighting fixtures. To have an easy time installing the lights, install dropped ceiling panels. Where to stay If you are currently living in the condominium you are looking to […]

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4 Common Home Improvements That Do Nothing For Your Home’s Value

February 7, 2022

When looking to sell a house, most people try to renovate them to increase the house’s value as much as possible. While many renovation tricks deliver the results, home remodeling architects observe that some don’t add value. To help you out, here are home improvements that don’t add value: Extensive professional landscaping As much as a professionally done landscape will be pleasing to look at, it won’t bring back the huge bucks you are expecting. If you have to remodel your landscape, do it because you love the look, not because you are expecting to recoup your investment, as you won’t. So, don’t break your bank installing ponds, pools, or other landscaping features. Unless you love a landscaping feature, stick to the basics. Clear the debris from your yard and trim the lawn. Keep the passageways clear, then invite potential buyers in. Upgrading your appliances If your house is old, chances are the appliances are also old, and when you are looking to sell the house, it might seem logical to upgrade the appliances to make the house more appealing. While this is great, you should be cautious about how you go about it, as you might spend too much money making the upgrades such that you fail to recoup your investment. You can go ahead and replace the old, damaged, or malfunctioning appliances such as old refrigerators, but if the units are still in top working condition, there is no point in replacing them. If you have an issue with the appliances not matching your home, consider ordering new door and face panels instead of replacing the units, as this is much cheaper. Undertaking high-end bathroom remodels Bathroom remodels bring back 87-93% of the investment, so they are a wise way of adding value to your house, but you should be cautious about how you go about it. As a rule of thumb, never install high-end units such as high-end countertops or appliances as you won’t get back your money. Excellent ways to upgrade your bathroom include: adding new paint to brighten the room and re-grouting the bathtub. A new mirror and a few light fixtures will also go a long way towards improving the bathroom look. To reiterate, it’s okay to remodel your bathroom, but don’t go overboard as you won’t recoup the investment. Adding a new room It’s not a doubt that larger houses sell at higher prices than small ones. For example, a four-bedroom house will sell higher than a three-bedroom house. While this is the case, it makes sense to add another room to your home, so you sell it at a higher price, right? Wrong! While adding a new room will make your house more attractive, in most cases you spend more money in the addition than you get back. To be on the safe side, avoid adding another room, and instead, renovate what you have. For example, convert the attic or basement to a bedroom instead of putting up another bedroom. You won’t spend much on the conversion, and you will make the house more attractive to potential buyers, hence your home will […]

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