From Concept to Construction ™

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Remodeling Their Condos

July 27, 2024

Studies show that many homeowners make plenty of mistakes when remodeling their condos. These mistakes include: Going for the cheapest contractors The quotes you receive from several condo remodel contractors you interview will differ significantly. The majority of them most likely lie in a similar mid-range, with one perhaps being high and another relatively low. A frugal homeowner may believe they have found the solution after seeing that inexpensive estimate, but things are not as simple as they seem. Perhaps the contractor omitted something from your quote, which is why it is substantially less than the others. It’s also possible they’re giving you a quote without including the cost of permits or debris disposal, or they’re using technicians with less experience or lower-quality supplies. Regretfully, there are instances where the contractor may be purposefully deceiving you. It hurts to learn about it, but it does occur. You should avoid contractors who refuse to provide a receipt or who offer a discount in exchange for payment. This is because these are often signs of dishonest contractors. You should note that there’s usually a valid explanation if a quote is low. When you receive a quote that is much lower than the average, you shouldn’t rush to take it. Instead, you should be concerned about the caliber of the job. If you believe that hiring a professional is pricey, consider the expense of hiring a professional to correct amateur work that you attempted to save money on. This is a note to say that you should go with the highest quote to guarantee quality work. It’s probably not real if it seems too good to be true. When you receive the quote, inquire if the contractor has defined every material by brand, model, and finish. Next, find out if the quote covers every task included in the project, line by line. To be safe and ensure that you don’t hire a contractor that you later regret, you want to see a lengthy, in-depth quote. Short and superficial ones will simply not do your project any justice, so you should avoid them. Focusing too much on the aesthetics There is always the allure of a fresh, modern kitchen or bathroom, but don’t be in a rush. And don’t prioritize fixing cosmetic issues over structural ones. To be safe, take your time and hire a contractor to conduct a house inspection before beginning any new job. This ensures that you know precisely what you are getting into before renovating. Inspecting the house also helps you budget for the remodeling and devise a plan for how you will go about it. When remodeling, take care of structural problems with your home first. This calls for you to start with the foundation, windows, doors, roof, etc. After that’s finished, you can go to the house’s interior. While at it, also ensure that all the parts of the house are working as well as they should. For example, confirm if your kitchen exhaust fan is strong enough. Does it properly vent out of the house, or does it vent into the attic? Find this out and fix […]

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8 Renovations That Increase Condo Value the Most

April 18, 2024

Whether you’re preparing to sell your condo or simply searching for ways to increase the value of your property, you want to make upgrades that have the most significant impact on your property, right? If you are concerned about the best upgrades to go for, here they are, as given by condo remodel experts: New appliances Most people do not want to have to buy new appliances when they move into their new condo, so finding a home with modern equipment is important to the buyer. If your appliances are old and worn out, replacing them will boost their value and future sale potential. If they’re of a reasonable age but aren’t all matching or need to be spruced up on the outside, talk to the manufacturer about getting new matching panels. When installing new appliances to sell your house fast, you should be cautious of buying extremely high-end brands, as you can easily fail to recoup your investment. The right way to go about it is to buy a cheaper brand that still looks good and will last for a long time. Increasing the storage space Space is often limited in big-city condos, so your ability to creatively and effectively add more storage will be critical. And the good thing is that there are plenty of ways to go about it. Consider installing floating shelves to add value to your apartment while saving valuable floor space. You should also consider installing kitchen racks to hang pots, pans, and utensils. If you have the capacity and funds, you can expand an existing closet or build a new one. Install hardwood floors Replacing your floors is a significant undertaking, but it is well worth it. Studies show that condominium owners who repair their floors often receive an 80-100% return on their investment. Good looking floors are a significant selling element, giving the entire space a rich, improved, and updated vibe. If you want a minor renovation that will benefit you whether you remain or leave, putting classic hardwood throughout your condo is a no-brainer. If you are already planning to replace appliances, as we indicated above, now is the time to replace outdated flooring with hardwood. Install smart home features. Smart homes and the ability to operate appliances or a thermostat from anywhere in the world are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners. Making your condo a smart home will enhance its resale value and make it more appealing to potential purchasers. You should consider installing automatic lighting, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms, all powered by smart technology. This will make your home more appealing and give an additional layer of protection and monitoring. You also get to enjoy energy savings on your electricity bill. Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it? Renovate the bathroom Nothing can turn off a potential buyer or reduce the value of your apartment faster than an out-of-date bathroom that requires considerable TLC. Creating a gorgeous master bathroom and improving the guest bathroom is a great way to boost the value of your home and your enjoyment of your condo if you intend to stay. If […]

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What Renovations Increase Condo Value The Most?

November 9, 2022

If you have a condominium you are looking to sell, you might be wondering which are the best renovations to do to increase the value of the property as much as possible, right? Well, according to condo remodel contractors, there are plenty of options you can go with, which include: Install new appliances You are looking to remodel your condo because it’s old, and this is a disadvantage on your part as your old property is most likely competing with plenty of modern new builds. One way to give your property a new look and increase its value is to install new appliances. When you do this, you make the space look more attractive to potential buyers. The new appliances also give the buyers peace of mind, as they know they won’t need to install new units once in the house. When choosing the appliances, go with stainless steel appliances, as they tend to be durable and look good for a long time. Ensure that the devices you install match the house design and style for a uniform look. Replace your floor A good quality floor isn’t cheap, but when done right, it can increase the value of your condo by 80-100%. Well-installed floors give the space a luxurious, upgraded, new feel that is extremely attractive to buyers. While there are plenty of flooring options, one of the best to go with is the hardwood floor which looks good and gives the house a warm feel. Touch up the bathrooms In most cases, condo bathrooms are smaller than those in a regular house, which can work against you. You need to work on your bathroom to make your home more attractive. Of course, you can do plenty of things to your bathrooms, such as installing new countertops, a new floor, showers, toilets, sinks, light fixtures, cabinets, and others – it all depends on your budget. If you have a small budget, undertake minor touches such as paintwork or tile installation, but if your budget allows it, go full-blown and convert your bathroom into the most attractive one in the area. Increase the storage space Due to their limited footprint, most condos have smaller storage solutions, and like the smaller bathrooms, the restricted storage areas can work against you. To make more buyers interested in your property, you must increase storage space. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to go about it. One of the ways you can do this is to install dividers and organizers. Is the condo short of closets? Build additional elbow room. You should analyze the entire house, and if there are areas that can use more space, go ahead and install it if the house design allows it. Remodel the kitchen Giving the kitchen a new look significantly gives your property a fresh breath of life, and the cool thing is that there are plenty of areas you can work with. Sinks, countertops, faucets, and lighting can change and transform your house. Who should work on your project? Regardless of the areas you feel will improve the look and value of your house, ensure that the […]

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Home Remodeling: The Illusion of The Small Space into a Big One

June 5, 2018

If you are tired of that small space in your home, you can always remodel. Condominiums are popular because of their small space living. But if you want to have a little bit of enhancement, you can always have a condo remodeling project. Small spaces can now look big if you hire the best architect or even just by yourself if you are the kind of a person who loves to do DIY projects. It doesn’t matter if you are living alone or if you are living with your family, you can always find a way to tweak your small space and for it to look bigger. There are a lot of ideas for you to choose from in making your small space look big. Below are some of the many ways you can do to make your tiny space look spacious. Ceiling Paint To make our rooms look taller, it is best to add a little bit of paint on the ceiling. You can also add some painted designs like flowers, stars, clouds, and others. This can give an illusion to your room to look tall. If you are tired to paint, you can always make use of a wallpaper. And add a bit of art and crafts of your choice to add more design to your small space Mirrors Mirrors have the illusion to make your small space look bigger. It can sometimes fool you and make you think that it is a window. But in fact, it is just a reflection of what is already in the room. Proper arrangement of mirrors will enhance the way your space looks.  You can always pick whatever mirror you want to have and hang it appropriately to where you think it will sit best. You can also make use of small mirrors and arrange them and have a little bit of art and let its design to float within the room. Wall and Floor Colors Light colors will make the small space look cozy. It will make the room look inviting and worth living. Even if space is small, you will be sure that you can stay comfortable no matter what time it is. Pick a color scheme that you know that will make you feel comfortable. As long as the scheme will not irritate your eyesight and allow you to sit and relax after a long day in school or work. Multi-purpose Storage We know that multi-purpose items will always save space. You can make use of this in your condominium and have everything in one small space and yet you can still gain access to them easily. There are a lot of multi-purpose storages for you to have. From a bed to a table they have a lot of tricks under their sleeves. This can save up space in your tight room and allow you to do add some necessary pieces of furniture to your room to look good. High Shelves High shelves will make your ceiling look taller. Because you will be forced to look up and check whatever it is on the shelf. And from afar, the […]

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Things You Need to Think When Remodeling Your Condo

May 1, 2018

Condominiums are different kinds of housing. It is a space that is in a building where you can live in. There are a lot of condominium owners remodel the condo that they bought. It is either the structure is not their taste, or they just want to make it as comfortable as possible.  Condo remodeling is not as difficult as remodeling an entire house. You can always hire a professional so that you can get advises from them. They can help you in designing and constructing the condominium for you. It will be quick and easy so that you will be able to enjoy your new found home. Here are some things that you need to think when remodeling your condo: Space The space that you own will always matter. It leads you to the direction of how far you can remodel your condo. If you have a small space, well you will only have to work with that. Maximize the areas where you can make use of. Place a trash bin or build a shelf on a dead corner. This is for it to have a function in your home. You will also be impressed by the end of the day if you maximize all of the dead spaces in your home. How long you will be living in it Considering the time, think about how long will you be able to enjoy that newly remodeled condo of yours. Will it be worth your time and money spending in remodeling it? We will never know how long you will be able to live in a certain space. Most especially if you are just renting. There are a lot of people who remodeled their condos but after a year, they have to move out. Think also about how much you want this space to change. It will really help you in saving time and money. The building owner’s consideration The space that you are renting is not actually yours. You are renting it from someone. And if you decide to remodel that space, think about the owner first. Ask permission or a concent if it is okay for them for you to do a little bit of tweeking for you to be comfortable living in their space. Bathroom Fixes Some parts of the bathroom cannot be moved and removed. Like the sink, toilet, and even a bathtub. Sometimes these items will just stay where they are. Just add a few ornaments or some decorative materials for the bathroom to look presentable. Like changing the color, the tiles, and the curtain. Do extra cleaning for the bathroom to look as if it is new. Lighting Some condominium lighting is not the way we wanted it to be. You can dim down the lights or have a bright room. Some condominium owners have a light controller that can control the brightness and the darkness of the light. If you want to add drama to your space, you can always have a designated area where you can place some candles. Building Up and Paint Instead of tearing down the walls and the ceiling […]

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