From Concept to Construction ™

Home Additions: Why You Need to Hire Home Addition Companies

June 13, 2024

When you are having a home remodeling project, you might be tempted to do the work yourself so that you can save some money, but this isn’t a good way to go about it. Instead, you should hire home addition contractors. The reasons you should hire the contractors include: Home addition projects are complex and need planning Planning a house expansion is not a simple undertaking. Even with a relatively simple room expansion, there are more difficulties that you might expect to face. There are thousands of considerations and choices to make, including clearly defining your objectives and assessing the feasibility of the addition, setting a reasonable budget, engaging the proper expertise, acquiring permissions, and designing the addition. So clearly, adequate preparation is important, and made much easier with the support of a competent firm that will manage all these things and more. A skilled contractor has the skills to oversee the entire home addition process. When hiring, ensure the contractors you hire are qualified design and construction professionals who specialize in house extensions. They also should be able to undertake all the tasks involved in the extension. This way, you won’t need to keep hiring new talent. From beginning to end, the designers and constructors should collaborate, coordinate details and materials, and ensure the process is as streamlined as possible. From initial concept to post-construction, the team should deliver a well-managed and efficient service. As mentioned, the contractors should communicate and collaborate with you, providing appropriate options, assisting you in making decisions and guiding you through product and material selections. The team should also provide you with the assurance of a precise budget and a manageable timeline. This way, you are confident that they will complete the work in the best way possible. Home additions have many moving parts. Planning a home addition takes careful thinking and a systematic approach to ensure a successful and easy process—and there are numerous details to handle. When working with contractors, a dedicated Project Manager is your best ally and advocate throughout the whole process. It is the Project Manager’s responsibility to collaborate with you and the designer while overseeing every construction detail. The Project Manager ensures that all materials arrive at the appropriate time, that all work is completed on time, and that no details are ignored. The project manager also facilitates and maintains effective communication among all parties involved. The house addition project is not complete until the project manager ensures that each phase is satisfactorily performed and meets quality requirements. Your project might need design expertise Because of its intricacy, you should work with an architect or designer to develop a precise plan for your house addition. Consider the layout, aesthetics, functionality, and integration into the existing structure. It is also critical to verify that the design matches your vision, lifestyle, and any unique needs you may have. A well-planned and effective home addition design will match the rest of your property. It should blend seamlessly with the existing structure and reflect your personality, house style, and property attributes. A reputable firm has the training and experience to analyze all […]

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How to Make an Addition Look Good.

May 27, 2024

While naturally increasing square footage allows you to enjoy your house (and neighborhood) for many years, incorporating your expansion into your home’s current architecture is not easy. To get it correct, hiring home addition companies is usually necessary. It’s a fact that home extensions, whether built outward or upward, are challenging. However, there are several things you can do. These things include: Ensure the foundation matches. Every home addition is built on a solid foundation; the floor and roof lines or elevations must match. It is also critical to ensure that the foundation is deep enough to extend below the “frost depth” in your area. The depth requirements vary by region based on the local weather. Building over the frost depth causes the addition to shifting independently of the main structure as the ground freezes and thaws, potentially causing foundation issues. Furthermore, ensure that the foundation is adequate for the soil type in your area. Again, failure to do so may result in long-term shifting problems for your new addition. Your home expansions should also fit the original structure’s foundation. If your existing home is built on a slab foundation, the addition should be built on the same foundation. If your original foundation is crawlspace, the addition should be as well. This ensures the addition is beautiful, level, and seamless from the ground up. Ensure the exterior finishes match. Start with the roof and work your way down. Every aspect of your room addition should match the old home, including trim, windows, siding, doors, hardware, and paint colors. If you have a historical home, matching precise finishes might be more difficult, especially if some fixtures are no longer manufactured. Home additions do not have to match exactly, but the design should always be complementary in the following aspects: The roof: Your addition’s roof should closely match your existing home’s rooflines. This entails replicating the pitch, soffit style, overhang, eave depth, rafter size, and spacing. It also implies you may have to contemplate a whole new roof. Older shingles on the original property may be faded, making it difficult to match shingle colors on a room addition, for example. If your roof shows signs of age, it may be time to replace it entirely. Look out for siding colors and other exterior finishes. If your current siding is faded, it will not match the new siding on the home addition. Using the same color and trim style can also help tie the two structures together. If you have brick or stone exteriors, they might be difficult to replace, but there are inventive methods to mix and match finishes that still look good and flow well together. The idea is to select colors and finishes that complement one another. Windows and doors: These days, it’s getting easier to obtain custom windows and doors that fulfill current Energy Star ratings and building requirements while having historical measurements and styles that may match those of your old home. While this is the case, precise matches are not always possible, so explore designs that complement the existing style. You can also replace outdated goods with newer ones […]

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Tricks to Reduce the Cost of Your Home Remodeling Project

October 31, 2023

Whether you have a large or small budget, the expense of a home remodeling can easily spiral out of control. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to reduce the costs. These things include:  Create and stick to a budget. Budget does not imply cheap, but when you spend money, it’s good to know the amount of money you have to set aside for the purchase. You should start with a budget in mind before making design decisions. By doing this, you can tell the prices of the different fixtures and supplies and get a sense of what will and won’t fit your budget. Home addition companies recommend that you have a spreadsheet and just enter everything you need for the project. As you can tell, this will require you to first research and find the prices of the different materials. You need to find the cost of the flooring, countertops, lighting, faucets, paint, cabinets, outlets and switch plate covers, tile, grout, appliances, and other things. The best way to research is to make phone calls to obtain quotations for goods and labor. When preparing the budget, include tax. From your budget, you can tell the areas that require a lot of money and those that don’t need much. You will also know the areas where you can make adjustments by selecting less expensive materials or opting to eliminate items. As much as you should stick to a budget, you should note that there are always unexpected occurrences. To avoid going beyond your budget, account for unforeseen expenses. A good way to do it is to set aside 10% of your budget. Pay in cash It may seem obvious, but paying for your project in cash will save you a large amount of money in interest than you would otherwise pay if you took out a loan or put things on a credit card that you couldn’t quickly pay off. If you’re remodeling to sell your house, it may make financial sense to take out a loan if you know you’ll get a return on your investment, and you will pay off the loan promptly. However, in general, paying with cash is the best option. If you currently don’t have enough money, start thinking about methods to cut your household budget to save money for your project. Don’t be in a hurry. Waiting for funds to renovate isn’t always a terrible thing, because time is your friend when planning for a renovation. It can be tempting to renovate your home all at once if you have the money, but it can be stressful to make a lot of excellent and cohesive design selections when you’re factoring in so many factors. If you rush through things, you will regret some of your decisions. The best way out is to start with one or two rooms and work through them before going on to other sections. Most people find it difficult to complete an assignment before moving on to the next. Prioritize the most time-consuming project and do it first; else, it could take years. You won’t have to live in a […]

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Types of Home Additions You Can Take Advantage Of

September 15, 2023

For most people, home is where they unwind and bond with family. That means it should be comfortable and relaxed. That said, sometimes the home needs to be more spacious and have all the amenities you need to feel relaxed and comfortable. To remedy that, you can incorporate some home additions that will be aesthetically appealing and functional. What are some of these home additions? Check these out given by home addition contractors:  Sunroom There’s just something magical about natural lighting. It can uplift your mood and make your space airy and more spacious. However, sometimes your windows do not allow as much of this lighting as you would want. Fortunately, you can add a sunroom to your home to help bring in more natural light to your space and provide an ideal space for outdoor viewing, indoor gardening, and general relaxation. A typical sunroom will feature a lot of glass, large windows, and sliding doors that will maximize the entry of sunlight into a space. Family room As the name implies, this is a space added to your home to cater to family activities depending on your circumstances and needs. Adding a family room to your home gives you extra living space. This can be particularly beneficial if you have a growing family or need more room for relaxation and other activities like gaming, watching movies, or hosting family gatherings. Master suite Who wouldn’t love a little more space and luxury in their bedroom? You can achieve that by adding a master suite to your space. Typically designed to provide a retreat for homeowners, this kind of addition will often include a private bathroom with supplementary amenities to create a functional and comfortable living space. The highlight of a master suite is the bedroom, which is often larger than the other bedrooms in the house. It can hold a queen or king-sized bed and furniture like nightstands and dressers. Another common feature would be a walk-in closet that offers ample space for shoes, clothing, and accessories. Garage conversion With a garage conversion, you transform an existing garage space into a different functional area within your home. This can be a cost-effective way to gain additional living space without needing a major home addition. By converting your garage to a recreation area, office, or bedroom, you get to repurpose underutilized space and add functionality to your home. That said, it takes careful planning, attention to detail, and compliance with local building codes to ensure a successful and legally compliant conversion. In-law suite Also known as a granny flat, accessory dwelling unit (ADU), or mother-in-law apartment, an in-law suite is a separate living space within a home or on the same property designed to accommodate aging parents, extended family members, or guests. This home addition provides a private and self-contained living area while allowing for proximity to the main residence. Typically, this home addition will include a bathroom, a bedroom, a living area, and a kitchenette equipped with basic appliances like a microwave and fridge, providing a decent space for the occupants. So, if you want to be close to your […]

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Ways to Increase House Space Without Breaking Bank

June 19, 2023

If you are looking to increase the size of your house but don’t have a large budget, there are plenty of ways to go about it. These ways, as given by home addition contractors, include:  Enclose the patio It will take a lot of effort to enclose a patio. Putting up walls, a roof, and a foundation, but if done right, it might become additional square footage. When doing the encasement, ensure it feels like a part of the house and is accessible from within. If you don’t want to take on such a large job, another alternative is to build a screened-in patio. Before you proceed with the addition, determine how you will use the contained space. Knowing the intended purpose will influence your design choices, whether it’s a dining space, a lounge, a home office, or an entertainment room. To avoid being on the wrong side of the law, check with your local authorities to see if the enclosure project requires any permissions or approvals. Always follow the building norms and regulations to ensure a safe and legal makeover. Finish the basement Unfinished sections in a house, regardless of level, are not included in computing the square footage of a home. So, if your basement has stud walls and bare concrete floors, you should think about finishing it. Before beginning the project: Determine whether the basement is suitable for finishing. Look for any signs of moisture, leaks, or structural damage. Check that the area has enough ceiling height and complies with local construction codes. Remember that finishing the basement may necessitate changes to your HVAC system, electrical panel, and plumbing connections. Consult a specialist to handle any necessary changes. Finish the garage It’s a Catch-22 situation. Finish your garage if you wish to add square footage. However, for your garage to be considered square footage, it must no longer be a garage.  Even if you don’t want to go all out, you can build the garage of your dreams while still parking a car. Remember to seek the advice and expertise of professionals, such as contractors or architects, throughout the process.  They can guarantee that the project complies with building codes, offer structural guidance, and assist you in achieving the ideal look for your finished garage. Enclose your porch Enclosing a porch, like enclosing a patio, can increase the square footage of your home. For the best outcome, ensure that the porch is heated, feels like a part of the house, and is accessible from within. To easily decide on the enclosure type, determine how you will use the covered porch. Will you use it all year as a sunroom, a home office, or something else? Understanding the goal will help you make design decisions. When it comes to the enclosure type you can go with, there are plenty of options. They include windows, screens, or a mix of the two.  Windows give superior insulation and weather protection, while screens provide ventilation and a more open appearance. Choose the option that best fits your needs and budget. Add a small kitchen Consider expanding the size of your kitchen […]

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Tips to Consider When Remodeling Your Home

April 29, 2023

Whether you’re planning a home addition, eco-friendly home upgrade, condo remodel, or basement extension, you need to consider a number of tips to realize your idea as smoothly as possible. Some of the tips you need to consider include:  Get the necessary permits and permissions. Before you get away with home improvement ideas and contractors, be sure you have everything in order. This entails obtaining the necessary regulations and permits to begin construction work lawfully. The particular standards and papers you must give will differ by state, but the goal is the same. Many people think permits are a hard obstacle to stop you from doing what you want. However, they protect the value of your property and your neighborhood by keeping the things that made you want to live there in the first place. Remember that you need an electrical, mechanical, or plumbing work permit.  The type of permit you need varies from city to city, so always check the local building code and requirements to ensure you get the right one.  Homeowners often try renovating their homes without permission, which can be very expensive if caught.  If the authorities find out that you remodeled your house without them, you might have to tear down the addition and lose all the time and money you’ve spent on it.  If you want to sell your house, you will also need the permit papers. Without them, you will lose money on the house. If you live in an area with a Homeowners Association (HOA) or a designated historic neighborhood, you may need permission from both the local government and these groups. It is important to know that some local building officials may want you to work with an architect before they give you permissions and permits. Even though it’s not required by law, it’s a good idea to let your neighbors know what you plan to do and how long it will take. This way, they won’t keep complaining whenever they hear noises from your house.  Have a budget You need to have a budget and ensure that you have enough money. You should note that a lack of funds will rapidly bring your project to a halt or force you to make big changes to your plan, and you don’t want this, do you? When planning a home addition, it is critical to understand home addition costs to create a comprehensive budget. The first step to generating a budget is to find out what design options are available, the likely costs and problems, how long the project will take, and what needs to be done regarding planning and building regulations.   Always remember that the decisions you make at the beginning of the project will affect the whole project and set the tone for how you approach the building work and how much you spend. Many cases have been reported of contractors collecting money and running away. To avoid this, ask the contractor to start working and pay them milestones to ensure they are dedicated to the project and will stay with your money.  If you must pay before, pay the […]

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5 Home Renovations that Don’t Need Building Permission

February 15, 2023

If you want to make changes to your home, you might not have to ask your local government for permission. But that’s only true if your project fits what are called “permitted development rights.” With permitted development rights, you can make changes to your home or add to it without getting permission. Which home addition projects can you undertake without requiring approval? Here they are as given by home addition companies: Loft conversion Most loft conversions don’t need planning permission, but you must follow building regulations. Most of the time, you don’t need the approval to convert, but depending on your loft conversion, you might be required to get approval.   To meet the approval exemption requirements, the extra space’s total area can be at most 40 cubic meters for terraced houses and 50 cubic meters for detached or semi-detached houses. This allowance includes not only the extra space you add with this loft but also any additions, like an extension, that were made in the past. But you don’t have to do this if you live in a flat, a maisonette, a listed building, or a conservation area. Conservatory Most of the time, you don’t need planning permission or to follow building regulations to build a conservatory. But you probably won’t be able to build without permission if: Your house is in a conservation area, national park, or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The conservatory doesn’t sit on the ground. Your house is a row house or has been added to it. More than 15%, or 70 cubic meters, will be added to the size of your home (whichever is greater). Garden room In the past few years, garden rooms have become more popular. This is often because they have been proven excellent places to relax, host guests, or do hobbies. Most garden rooms don’t require planning permission. Since they are considered outbuildings, you can build one if you follow some rules. Like loft conversions, if your home is a “listed building,” you won’t have the right to change it. If your home is in a National Park, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a conservation area, or a World Heritage Site, or if it’s a flat or a maisonette. Porch A porch adds space to your home but can do much more. When done properly, it makes your home more secure by putting a barrier between your front door and the outside world. It can also be an excellent way to keep the cold out of your home. Most porches are built with “permitted development rights” as long as: From the outside, the ground floor doesn’t have more than three square meters of space. Nothing would be higher than three meters from the ground (you should measure the height the same way you do for a house extension). No part of the porch would be closer than two meters to the house or the road. Doors and windows replacement If your new windows and doors look the same as the ones you already have, you won’t need to get permission from the city to replace them. But if it’s […]

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Is It Cheaper To Go Out Or Up For Addition?

December 21, 2022

  Any homeowner looking to increase the size of their house is confused about whether they should build their home out or up. If you are in such a situation, you should know that if you are looking to save money, you are always better off going up. Besides saving you money when you build up, home addition contractors observe that you don’t need to worry about zoning restrictions as you aren’t expanding your house’s footprint. Building your house up also means you don’t have to give up any of your yard for the new foundation. This means that you retain your yard while adding more space to your home. Best practices when building your house up You need to consider several tips to get the most from your addition. These tips include: Work with an experienced professional As much as it’s cheaper to build up, adding another floor isn’t an easy project. For one, you must remove the roof and then rebuild it completely. You also need to have extensive architectural and structural plans. For your project to be safe, you should work with an experienced professional who knows what they are doing. The professional should inspect your current house and determine whether it needs additional beams and whether the foundation needs footings poured to carry the extra weight. When hiring the contractor, hire an experienced one that has handled similar projects before. You don’t want to hire a novice who ends up botching the project you spent a fortune on. Move out of the house. Unlike adding the extra house outwards, adding the house upwards means you have to get out of the house. For once, it will be safer for you as you will have to remove the roof, and you can’t live in a roofless house, can you? The contractor will also use machines to add the extra floor, which might be unsafe for you. As you plan for the new addition, consider the hotel budget, as you will stay in the hotel for some time until the house is safe for you. While at it, also consider the storage costs. Your furniture and appliances will get damaged if you leave them inside the house, so you will need to remove them and store them in a safe place you will most likely pay for. Always plan for this as you are planning for the addition. The last thing you want is to find out that you don’t have hotel or storage money and are forced to stall your project in the middle. Have a solid budget Yes, building up is cheaper, but you still need to spend money on the project. To ensure that you see your project to completion, you should have a solid budget. When coming up with the budget, consider the cost of adding a staircase, hiring engineers, paying for building permits, installing a new heating and cooling system, repairing the house, removing and storing personal items, and many other costs. Many homeowners are excited to start their projects, but you shouldn’t. Take time and have a sitting with an experienced contractor. […]

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4 Home Addition Tips for the Perfect Addition

June 17, 2022

A home addition project adds space to your home and increases the house’s value. For you to properly add the new addition, there are a number of things you should do. Here are these things: Hire an experienced contractor The contractor you hire can make or break your project, so you should be ultra-cautious of the one you hire. As a rule of thumb, ensure that the home addition builder you hire is experienced and knows what they are doing. Instead of hiring the first person in the search results, take your time to meet several contractors in your area and interview them. During the interview, compare their quotes based on the project details, presentation, price, and communication skills. Anyone can say that they are experienced in home additions, so don’t simply take their word for it—ask for the references and contact them to understand the contractor better and how they work. Stick with the existing aesthetic A perfect home addition is one where the new addition blends seamlessly with the older house. If done properly, you shouldn’t be able to tell where the new structure ends and where the old one begins. Of course, you can’t achieve this if you don’t have a plan—you need to know what you are doing from your choice of material, design, and even color selection. For that perfect look, ensure that your addition matches your home’s current aesthetics and your contractor understands the importance of having a streamlined result. Don’t make too many compromises. Cutting corners might seem like an excellent way to cut costs, but this isn’t always the case. This is because you often end up hating the new addition as it often limits your square footage or affects the quality of your finish, appliances, and fixtures. To take pride in your addition, follow all the necessary home addition steps. You also should work with an experienced contractor who will help you explore all the creative solutions that might give your house a seamless look you are after. Set the right budget Plenty of people have had to halt their home addition projects in the middle when they run out of money. To avoid this, take your time and budget carefully before beginning your project. Go through everything carefully with your contractor and ensure that you haven’t overlooked any aspect of the process. It will even be better if you can go over the project’s demands with two or more experienced contractors to ensure that you have covered all ground before you kick off the project. When coming up with a budget, don’t set aside exact money that will exactly cover the project. It’s always wise to allocate 15-20% for unexpected expenses during the renovation. As the plumbers are connecting the new pipes, they might discover that the interior of the sewer is cracked, and you have to fix it. The extra amount you had allocated will cater for this. If you complete the project without touching the extra amount, you can always spend it on landscaping and furniture. As much as the furniture looks good, it might not be ideal […]

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What Additions Add Value To A Home?

December 17, 2021

Two reasons homeowners hire home addition companies to remodel their homes are adding space and increasing house value. While this is the case, did you know that not all home additions increase the house value, so you spend a fortune, yet you don’t get a return on investment? Are you wondering what additions add value to a home? Here they are: Second story A storied building is much valuable than a bungalow. If your house has a strong foundation and can take another floor, go ahead and install it. As you are installing the second floor, remember that it should tie into the original style and theme of the house. Master suite The person that will buy the house will be sleeping in the master suite, right? So it goes that when you improve the master suite, you are bound to make your house more appealing and increase its value. One of the ways to make the master suite more attractive is to increase its size. You also should consider installing a bathtub and, if possible, increase the shower space. The beauty with this is that you don’t have to go out of your way to install high-end units—simple units are enough. If you aren’t sure about the right pieces to change, get the input of an experienced professional. Kitchen Every family spends a considerable amount of time in the kitchen, and no one wants to do it in a small, beat-up space—everyone wants an area they can be proud of. This means that working on your kitchen will go a long way towards giving your house more value; hence it gets out of the market fast. One thing you should do is to increase the size of the kitchen. This might require you to knock down some walls or build a kitchen addition. You should then add more modern appliances such as new kettles, new pans, new stove and so on. Kitchen additions and renovations can get expensive to the extent you fail to recoup your investment. To be on the safe side, keep an eye on the type and quality of remodeling materials you use. As a rule of thumb, avoid golden or any other materials, as you won’t make your money back. Unless necessary, avoid making major kitchen renovations such as installing new cabinets, windows, doors, floor, or cooking space. Excellent projects you can participate in include: refinishing the cabinets, adding an island, increasing storage space, installing a new backsplash, and upgrading the faucets. Bathroom Like the kitchen, no homeowner wants a beat-up bathroom, so you can’t go wrong with a bathroom addition project. Like the kitchen, you should increase the size of your bathroom then install the necessary fixtures. After adding more space, another thing you can do to your bathroom to increase its value include: adding storage space, installing new sinks, upgrading the lighting, putting in vanity or mirror, and so on. Unused space Do you have an unused space in the house, such as the basement or attic? You can make use of it, which will increase the room space and increase the value […]

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